
What do they talk about at Atheist temples?

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I'm Atheist, and I have always wondered what they talk about at Atheist temples? Anyone know? ;o




  1. Atheist dont believe in God. Why would they have temples?

    Temples are places of worship. Many different faiths call their churchs temples. Maybe they are just meeting halls where they discuss their problems/issues???????

  2. Monkeys typoing, chocolate cake recipes, marble counter tops for the kitchen is big this year; that sort of stuff.

  3. well, generally we discuss the grave threat of the extremists who follow the flying spaghetti monster religion.  FSM is a grave threat to our society, they actually want people to believe that the world was created by a giant invisible pasta dish, and that pirates are responsible for global warming!  How ridiculous is that?!  I once heard of some people who believed an invisible bearded man created the world, and that he flooded the whole world because people didn't believe in him!  I know, it's ridiculous!

  4. Hot topic this year is absenteeism and indifference in doctrinal classes. and of course our perennial lack of leadership..

  5. The Weather, politics, how much more often we get laid than the religious fanatics, you know stuff like that.

  6. It's probably like MENSA where they sit around feeling smug and thinking they have all the answers.

  7. They just like to make sure everyone is pooping regularly. If not they tie the person down and force feed them prunes. I couldn't believe it myself. But, I happened to be practicing my dance moves outside of one of these Atheist Temples one day. That was the I converted to paganism.

  8. demolition

  9. World domination.

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