
What do they want from me?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to put my topic. Sorry if it isn't. But lately I've seen a lot of cockroaches in my house. They are everywhere, and they keep following me. I always feel like I'm being watched. They are watching me. I think they have cameras attached to them, or that they might even be fake and that someone is controlling them. Making them follow me and recording everything I do. Is that possible? Why would anyone spy on me. If I made a bomb, would it kill the roachs? How do I make a bomb? Or what other way can I get rid of them. I think they are going to do something. I walked in the bathroom to take a shower, and there was two of them on the counter, I swear their planning something. Please help me get rid of them. :(




  1. Thats just the Patriot Act hard at work. Don't mind them. Actually start talking jibberish and see how many go towards you....all else fails, STEP ON THEM!!!  

  2. You don't have to make a bomb. You can buy them at the supermarket. Just be careful not to breathe the fumes when setting them off. Also be sure that you have no unsealed food that the fumes can reach. As far as them watching you, take that up with your psychiatrist.

  3. I think for your problem, get somone pro. to come in and...

    1. see if they are fake

    2. spray chemicals on them

    4. get RID of them.

  4. Get the sticky Roach House, invite them in for sticky treats. spray half the can of pesticide in before throwing it away!!

    Yesh!! you go girl!!

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