
What do think about WAR between Russia and Georgia ?

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Whats your opinion ?! Im originaly from Russia ! Want to know you opinions!




  1. Its all a little bizarre really.

    Russia has just recognised the independence of two irrelevant micro-states, following a symbolic invasion of Georgia. One can only assume it was merely done as a display of Russian might on the world stage.

    Abkhazia and South Ossetia? They can join the ranks of the other obscure European micro-states : Andorra, San Marino, Liechtenstein, and Monaco.

    There is an absurd double-standard. What next? Independence for South Ossetia's twin North Ossetia within Russian territory? Or how about Chechnya or Ingushetia?

    Why not go the whole way and resurrect the Union of United Mountain-Dwellers of the Caucasus of 1917, which planned to unite all these tribal regions into a single state?

    I don't support either the Georgians or the Russian government. Both have handled the situation badly. The proper solution would have been to negotiation some autonomy package for the two regions within the Georgian state.

  2. I think this is a conflict not a war.

    Russia doesent actually want to fight Georgia, but yet Georgia are giving out about people being displaced by destruction of homes are civillians are being killed. A truce has already been set up but not signed, rebels are sprouting in parts of georgia and it is ripping the country apart.

    It is turning Russia further and further away from NATO as well.

  3. War is always a stupid thing... a right war has never existed

  4. That Georgia is very stupid on making war to Russian...i mean anyone that makes war with Russia is very but very stupid...because russia is a very but very powerfull nation and has the best army in the world..i mean how can i put this..."Vladimir has 16000 tanks, Georgia has 3, why do they go to war???

    thas my opinion.  

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