
What do think about the MASS immigration to Ireland??

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I'm from Ireland

about 10 years ago there was very few foreign people in Ireland

now because of MASS immigration. people born over seas in Ireland make up nearly 15% of the population and this is still growing VERY fast

15% in 5-6years!!! many TD'S (member of Irish parliament)are saying if the rate of people entering Ireland continues , the IRISH race will become a ETHNIC MINORITY.

im very happy with diversity and all but i dont think Ireland ,as a small underpopulated country (4,500,000 ,15% of that r immigrants) can take this HUGE amount of immigrants entering ireland

im nt racist btw , im just worried about my Irish culture and traditions


anyways enough of me, what do you think??




  1. I'm not from ireland...but I think it really sucks

  2. It would seem to be a trend- the kind of thing the Romans did when they were conquering the known world.

  3. So I assume you are talking about the EU open job market and the E-European people flocking over there to get jobs.  Personally I think it's bad when you get a huge group of people from the same place and they form a minority in your country and start pressing for documents to be in their language and making their own neighbourhoods but as long as you have jobs for all those ppl, who else would do those jobs?

    It's good for the economy to have more jobs, you need more people than you have and so they come over, work and pay taxes etc.  Most of them will not weigh heavily on your social system because they are mostly young and healthy and if they end up long term unemployed, their residence permits will not be renewed and they will have to go back.  Most of them will even go back before that.  I know this from Iceland where there was an economic boom but now it's drying up a bit and they are already leaving.

  4. This is happening all over Europe - the population growth is due only to immigration as the reproductive rate is less than 2.1 per family (below replacement rate).

    Pretty soon, if patterns continue, there will be no more native Europeans.

    This is what happens when your society combines a poor support for family values with irresponsible policies on immigration.

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