
What do think about this issue Friends?

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Is not United States committing a mistake by outsourcing jobs through BPO's on the basis that it serves economical to do so. But in the long run, there is taking place an outflow of capital to foreign countries by way of salaries. In a situation that United States was so strongly into, i mean Recession, Is it not harmful to the economy of United States as Imports always result in leakages to the economy? Instead if United States gave opportunities to its own people ignoring the cost, the good point would be that, the money will still flow within the economy and come to its rescue, in times of debtedness. What do you say Friends?




  1. US economy now is down a context of potential big crisis...some companies has consciences of that and these are taking measures to combat it. For those the ideal measures is a reduction in salaries and less employees but we know these measures can not be applied in massive form for all companies...outsourcing is a way to pressure a reduction in salaries and increase in unemployment.  

  2. offo! not again

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