
What do think about this?

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If you want something like ajob or place to live or lfinish exams ...etc and you try hard to get it (by working,study or anything etc), is that mean you are quaranteed to get what you want in LIfe?Thanks




  1. nothing in life is guaranteed, you can work hard and have nothing or things can come to you with out even trying. but working hard never did anyone any harm.

  2. If it's what you want out of life,job, place to live, you'll get it. It's all about trying and failing,trying and failing, finding some good tactics and learning from your mistakes...Also excepting good advises and learning from other people experiences.You'll get what you want eventually,but all in all-it's all about-not giving up!

  3. only in the laws is life ever guarenteed to give you anything, and to do that you have to be able to work the system. my answer is no you have to reach for any thing you want or you're likely to never get it. there are inly rare occasions where things may fall in your lap, but even that has it's requirements, such as: social standing, previous achievements, personality, family, friends, money, race, and where you're born/ raised/ or live.

  4. Absolutely not! That would imply that life is some form of equation that can be balanced by following a certain pattern of behaviour. Life is random at best, with many unworthy people rising to the top - but hard work, a positive attitude and a realistic plan will help you gain as much control over the chaos of our existence as is possible.

    Another point of view is - It's all about who you know - bear that in mind and start making the right connections now.

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