
What do think of the receptionist at your doctors?

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would a guy be better ???




  1. Credit where credit is due, our health centre has brilliant receptionists!

    There are only 3 but each is friendly, efficient and does not need your life history.

    I'm lucky that ours is a reasonably small practice and they can normally give you an appointment same day, if not very apologetic and fit you in next morning.

    Would a man be better, I don't know.

  2. i think she makes to much small talk and needs to do her job -_-

  3. I think they have more power than MANWEB!!!!

    Here's a little joke about one....

    An old man walks into the surgery...

    The receptionist asks him what his problem is in a loud voice..

    The old man replies "I am having a problem with my D..."

    The receptionist replies, "really you should not come in here and say something like that, you have embarrassed the whole waiting room"

    The old man replies"then you should not have asked me in the first place if you do not like what I say,"

    She replies, "you should have said that you are having a problem with your ear"...

    The old man looks at her and walks out...

    2 mins later he walks back in and the receptionist realises that she has made an impact and sits with a smug smile on her face.

    The old man walks up to her and says, "excuse me, May I see the Doctor I have a problem with my ear"

    She replies, "now thats better, and what is the problem with your ear?"

    The old man replies " I cannot P out of it"

    To that the whole waiting room erupted in laughter....

  4. i think now a days receptionists are nosey they ask you what is wrong with u and if you don't tell them they don't give you an appointment

  5. We have a new surgery, the receptionists are very polite and dedicated, I have seen Indian locums, and have had very good service.

  6. yeah, they do get bad press but the ones at my place are fine

  7. I must admit, a few years ago they were the old school receptionists and were quite a scary bunch, i was always wary of making appointments, checking results ect. Nowadays however we have a whole new bunch of younger staff and i can honestly say they are wonderful.

    They don't pry, are cheerful, helpful, and nothing is too much trouble for them. Well done girls, it makes all the difference. x*x

  8. what receptionist?  I though that I was talking to a robot!

  9. nosey.They ask if its a problem that can be dealt with by the nurse instead of the dr,Why would I ring the drs if I really wanted to see a nurse?

  10. very helpful no problems

  11. The receptionists at my doctors are great, cheery nice people.

  12. They usually have delusions of grandeur, and think that they are better than everyone in the surgery (apart from the doctors who they seem to adore),

  13. Normally i`d say they are rude,nosey and unhelpful, but i was taken ill on Friday and called for an emergency i wanted it that day and after five she whispered "call back after 4pm, i shouldn`t tell you this so dont say you`ve been asked to call back". I got my appointment and am now much better.Hows that for Customer Service.

    Dunno about the guy thing....would i want to tell him my women problems? I think

  14. dislike them - they think they have the right to know what is wrong with me when i go....i put them firmly in their place...if they weren't receptionists...they'd probably be dinner ladies or lollipop crossing people!!  they have no medical qualifications...but act like they do have!!

    p.s. YES...i would prefer a male receptionist...they are not so nosey!!

  15. Miserable

  16. please answer mine on oral s*x before it gets delted ... its very serious but it keeps getting erased

  17. Unfriendly, unhelpful and inefficient. Bring on the Super Surgeries!

  18. There are loads of them and they are all surprisingly nice.  I think new Government guidelines for the NHS has got rid of the dragons of the past.

  19. Hey I use to work in a GP surgery, sometimes on reception although that wasn't my main job. Receptionists have a really hard time from abusive patients (mainly young women I have to say) shouting and being rude, demanding appointments when there aren't any to give or insisting on repeat prescriptions immediately because they "forgot" they were going on holiday in an hour's time.  

    Receptionists have to keep calm and difuse difficult situations. No way would a man cope with that there would be a brawl in the waiting room.

    They can't create appointments out of thin air, the doctors decide how many people they will see and if the doctor says "I'm not seeing more than 4 extras cos I have to watch my son play football" its very hard trying to screen the real emergencies from the "I sprained my elbow 3 weeks ago and want to see a doctor now" types.  

    They should never pry for the details of your illness but they are entitled to query whether you feel its urgent or whether a nurse can help.  

    I used to deal with people dying from cancer and their relatives and yet mostly they were so polite and grateful for the help we gave. Then you get a 30 something year old b**ch who demanded their kid with a snotty nose is pushed to the front of the queue so she can dump him at the childminders on time.

  20. Absolutely wonderful, they make you feel better right away.

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