
What do think of this girl......

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u may have heard of the hijabi muslim girl in France,who shaved her head, protesting against banning the hijab in schools....

what do u think of this act? is shaving her hair is better than showing it?

or what?




  1. yes, cause showing it will attract guys, right.

    and thats the point of the hijab.

  2. If you don't like the laws in France/England/America/Australia/etc. Then GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!

  3. I live in France, and it SUCKS.  But I am in university so I may wear my hijab, hamdullilah, but if the time ever comes when they ban it in the streets I will take the first plane outta there.

  4. i think its not good in this way what she trying to do she is a girl before her hair shaved or after if she wants to protest there is some other way to solve this matter in this way her ears her neck and her head also shown to the people , now people are defenetily talk about her and seeing her thats not good i think she can go to her embassy or go to court

  5. I believe she should not have made such a ruckus over it. Choices:

    1. If your rights are s0oo0oo0o0o bad, then leave to a place where you can practice freely.


    2. Keep doing what you're doing and face the consequences (wear hijab but get kicked out of school)


    3. Follow their rules as best you can but protest at the same time. Try to find a compromise (like a bandana at school)


    4. Follow their rules & not worry about it. God will forgive you (laaaame choice! lol)


    5. Make a big ruckus, shave your head & wallow in self pity (also lame but at least she's trying)

    That's what I say but I know that I wouldn't shave my head if it came down to it!

  6. No..her ears and neck are still showing!

    and some guys may find bald girls still attractive!

  7. no because now everyone is going to look at her. she's made such a huge deal, she's sure to get attention from guys!

    she could have just left the country if she wans't allowed to practise her faith and if it really meant to much to her!

  8. wallahi she is crazy in my opinion.  Narrated Ali RAA,  "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade a woman to shave her head." [an-Nasa'i]

  9. France took a really really bad decision, although there are always two perspectives or more to things in life. Their opinion was that when you don't have hijab on, people won't recognize that you're a muslim, and so they won't hate you for that fact, they won't judge you for something you wear. But I know that they might want to discriminate muslims by taking that decision.

    The girl's decision was hers. If she truly believes that it is what God would have asked from her then fine. She could have as well put it in a pony tail and took off all her make up, and put a big Qura'an jewelery if she wanted people to recognize her religion, that would serve the point. No men would be attracted, and her religion would be recognized.

    Remember y'all, it's not about appearances, we just have to believe in God and pray everyday for him, be good people, make good decisions not evil ones. And inshallah we'll go to heaven.

  10. oh, so ur pakistani no wonder u hate arabs

    u and nimmy really need to leave arabian coutnries if u hate them that much

  11. well she will look very silly

    i support france in there stance agianst the repression of woman

  12. I read that article in my teen vogue magazine and i gave it to my dad to show it to our sheikh, and the shiekh said that if he had a son old enough to get married he would go ask for her hand. I think that girl is very brave and is a great muslima. I dont know how it counts with allah but all i know is that she has guts and she is very very brave!!

  13. a muslimah does not attract attention so i dont think she did right cuz she still shows her face features but she mostly attrated attention which is not permissible in islam you just have to do what islam says and wear the hijab even if they say so.

  14. yea it is better


  15. umm.....i recognize what she's tryna do, but that's a little too over-exaggerating, but then again, they don't have the 1st amendment in france.

  16. She's shown that she doesn't really care about following islam, just getting her way and some attention.  Please correct me if I'm wrong (but I'm not), aren't Muslims told to migrate if they are somewhere that doesn't allow them to practice their faith properly?  And isn't the covering for more than just your hair considering it says to pull it around your bosom?  She's a troublemaker.  

  17. I think her shaving her head was going a little too far. I don't agree on the ban of hijab anywhere in the world, its against a persons religious rights! She shouldn't have shaved her head, but instead refuse to take her hijab off, and if it had to go far enough sue in court! !

  18. No, thats a wrong acts of hers. Life is important than anything else. when pork becomes halal when there is nothing to eat and you will die if u do not eat anything and there is nothing but pork. so if there was a threat to her, she could have removed it and wear it at the places where possible it was for her to wear, like at home, in front of her cousins, friends, etc.

    and try to move away from that country, there are so many other places.~!

  19. No. The prophet cursed the man who imitates the woman and the woman who imitates the man.

    Like someone said, her ears and neck are still showing too.

    Regarding the imitation of men, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) cursed those men who imitate women and those women who imitate men.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 7/205)

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