
What do think the earth's future is?

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What do you think the future earth will look like? I want YOUR opinions...




  1. obviously,it will become worse and worst in the years to come

    .However ,i am with positive opinion,'cause we all of us are  paying more and more attentions on the environment of earth and I think a lot of us are taking action.

    In these years ,as what i saw myself ,lots of disasters had happened including earthquicks,heavy snows,hurricanes, tsunami and so on all of which are constructing ,maybe more will .......yet I still think it needs a too long time before the death of  earth .

    Now ,we should have a thought about what we can do in order to reduce the damagement on our only earth . what do you think so .

    Good luck with our earth !

  2. the earth's future.. maybe in the near future.. our population increases,, diseases also will provake in other countries.. poverty also increases.. maybe some poor children would die due to malnutrition.. and  pollution will affect our lives..

  3. if these pollutions and climate change will continue to get worse, probably earth will be ruined and destroyed. in the future, some species will become extinct, more will become endangered and natural resources will diminish.

  4. In the way the population is building right now, it will be very much populated but the way technology is develpoing, the humans will be avle to construct their own planet or something and send half the population. I think most of the animal species will die out and one day maybe even all the plants will die out and then, eventually humans will no longer exist and earth will not have any form of life. Then maybe the whole thing will start over again and the dinosaurs and other creatures will repeat themselves and then, finally, god would have to create adam and eve once again. Or all of this could never happen at all and maybe a huge asteroid will collide with the earth and the earth will shatter into peices and form more asteroids that will go around the sun.

  5. the same

  6. I think it'll become very over populated, land will become scarce, rainforests will be gone, as well the natural resources. Unless these issues are fixed, i think people will start moving to moon.

    yea..idk..just guessing though.

  7. pretty bad in the near future like 20 years yes major technology break through but they population will be nearing 7.5-9billion that will be horrible everything will be so expensive. and no offense to people but i also think religion is a huge downfall. you don't need scripture and books to say u should not kill or things like that. Also i am 15 years old a freshman. the kids in my school are horrible. they don't give a **** about anything they are dumb and 1 girl thought timber was metal we are going straight down. We can't really do anything about it. because there will always be a major group of people who mess it up. i hate it i hate the kids in my school i hate rap mostly because of people like Lil Wayne. people try to be like him and dress like him. people want to be dumb now. i could go on for hours. let me just say if we aren't willing to risk the worst of human life( the bad and dumb people lol) we wont get anywhere

  8. i tink it's going to be infested with ppl, buildings and no more trees :(

    we might move on to destroy mars too. i saw the article on successful advancement to mars, and noting how they have a "north/south pole". they wanna dig out the soil there for research, to see if there's minerals and stuff.

    we polluted and almost destroy Mummy Earth, and we polluted the space with satellites and rockets and wat-nots, and we are advancing to mars.

  9. I love that you stress YOUR opinion. So many people just paste in opinions they have recycled from some one/where else. Or just say what they think you wan to hear to get the points.

    Anyway, MY opinion is that ultimately the earth will heal itself, this will take a long time, especially due to the state we've gotten it in and I doubt that the human race will be around to see it.

    I think we will, in the end, wipe ourselves out, along with many other plant and animal species while we're at it.

    In the nearer future, say a few thousand years it will get more crowded, more polluted but as I said once we are all gone the earth will begin to rebuild itself again, and then as someone else said last as long as the sun does.

  10. I think the earth will be fine for a while and I think it could only get better when we run out of gasoline.  So many things depend on gas to function, such as ships, planes, cars, etc.  I think that when gas does run out major warfare will be greatly diminished and so populations will rise due to the lack of those individuals killed in war.  I also think the earth balances itself out between life and death and so disease and illness will related deaths will rise.  

    I do, however, know that scientists plan on colonizing the moon and mars in the future, and are working on those plans at this moment.  Because our sun is still fairly young it doesn't really hurt us, but when it grows, it will probably be large enough to engulf the entire earth, which could be the firey death, of which the bible speaks.

    By that time though, I think NASA will have succeeded in their plans and will have colonized other planets deeper in space as well.  I believe we have an infinite capacity or knowledge and will become one of the most populace and powerful races in the universe.

  11. Earth will continue to exists as long as the Sun does, but after that we will probably perish sometime in a far distant future in a 1000’s of cosmological decades from now.

  12. God says he did not create (the earth) simply for nothing" but formed it to be inhabited." ( Isaiah 45:18) What kind of people did God want to live on the earth? And for how long did he want them to live here?

    The Bible answers: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."- Psalm 37:29; Revelation 21:3,4.

    Obviously, this has not happened yet. People now get sick and die; they even fight and kill one another. Something went wrong. Surely, however, God did not purpose that the earth should be as we see it today! What happened? Why has God's purpose not been fulfilled? No history book written by man can tell us because the trouble started in heaven.

    One of the powerful spirit sons of God turned himself into the Devil.  How was this possible?  Well,today a person who was once decent and honest may become a thief. How does that happen? The person may allow a wrong desire to develop in his heart.  If he keeps thinking about it, that wrong desire may become very wrong. Then if the opportunity presents itself, he may act upon the bad desire that he has been thinking about.-James 1:13-15.

    This happen in the case of Satan the Devil.

    He apparently heard God tell Adam and Eve to have children and to fill the earth with their offspring. ( Genesis 1:27,28 ) 'Why, all these humans could worship me rather than God!' Satan eevidently thought. So a wrong desire built up in his heart. Eventually , he took action to deceive Eve by telling her lies about God. (Genesis 3:1-5) He thus became a "Devil," which means "Slanderer." At the same time, he became "Satan," which means "Opposer."

    But since Satan is the ruler of this world and he is deceiving many today cause he uses ways that is causing man to turn away from God.

    He uses ways that are not new, but ways that seem inocent!

    He keeps transforming himself into an angel of light, but inside he is a ravishing wolf.

    For he has many disguises!  and full of trickery.

    But the Bible assures us: "There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to ( God's ) promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell." ( 2 Peter 3:13; Isaiah 65:17 )

    Please read: John 3:16 and 17:3, and read what Jesus said we must do to receie everlasting life.

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