
What do think this is? I cant pin point... PLEASE HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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I did call my doctor and the nurse is supposed to call me back today.

I missed my period on 8/31 two days later I had the brownish-pinkish discharge only when I wiped... today I had this pinkish-redsish mucus like discharge and still no real period like it hasn't really come down... what do you think this is? I had a little bit of cramps yesterday but very mild almost not noticible... I have back pain and very tired (but that could just be work). PLEASE HELP ME!




  1. Did you take a pregnancy test?  Have you had unprotected s*x recently?

  2. There isn't anything you can do but wait.  

    He's waiting because either your period is late (due to a number of reasons including a functional cyst (caused by an egg that failed to ovulate) which is common) or you ovulated later then you thought therefore the implantation is later so you have to wait for the hormone levels to rise.

  3. are you itchy?? or is there anything else your feeling different about deffinetly do a preg test..

    good luck

  4. Go to your doctor for a blood test. Blood tests are very accurate and can detect the pregnancy hormone earlier than hpt's. It could be you are having implantation bleeding. Go for that blood test! good luck - I hope you get some great news!

  5. This is your period starting.  When you have implantation bleeding it can be mistaken for a very short early period but as you are bleeding after your period is due it is just likely to be a dodgy 1.  Caused by only a million things, this happens to most women at some point and really isnt anything to worry about.

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