
What do this dreams mean?

by Guest64742  |  earlier

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The first dream was about a burgundy car?

The second dream was about a broken window; three men had broken in to my mothers house..I could make out one of the men but the other two I could not..

What does thisdream mean?




  1. i dont really know. we all, as people can dream up . so many weird and strange things. but not every dream has to have a purpose. i myself ask my self this question. good luck.

  2. House - To see a house in your dream, represents your own soul and self...

    To dream that your house is broken into, suggests that you are feeling violated. It may refer to a particular relationship or current situation in your life. Alternatively, it indicates that some unconscious material is attempting to make itself known. There are some aspects of yourself that you have denied.

    Car - A motor vehicle, a train car, an amusement park car, or even an elevator car can represent your self in your dream. This type of dream can imply self-control issues. To dream of being the driver of a car can mean that you are taking charge of your own life, however, to be in the passenger seat may indicate that you are taking a slower approach to life and are content to be led by others. To dream of being in a car controlled by another force, such as an elevator or amusement park ride, can symbolize a sense of reaching new heights before you are ready to. However, it can also symbolize yourself getting out of a difficult situation, rising above your problems.

  3. A dream excist of things you already know, heard and seen in real-life, in a movie,  from a book or your imagination, anything.

    Maybe u can concentrate on each object in your dream and think about where you have seen it before.

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