
What do those letters mean?

by  |  earlier

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sorry dumb question, but im australian and just getting into watching baseball on espn (go angels) there's a little box that comes up with r.h.and e as colomn headers,, r is runs? but what do the others mean????




  1. H is total hits

    and e the the amount of errors the team committed

  2. R- Runs

    H- Hits

    E- Errors

    Errors are bad plays made by the team. Sort of when the shortstop throws the ball to the first baseman, but he doesn't catch it.

  3. R is runs, H is for hits, and E is for errors. There are other signs that you may need to get familiar with also.  BB is base on balls, or walk, K is a strikeout swinging, a backwards K is a strike out looking, HR is a home run, F# is a flyout to that numbered position.  There are more, but those are a few key ones.  Errors are any time a ball is hit in fair territory that is dropped or thrown away, that ends in a runner advancing to the next base, that he wouldn't have if the ball wasn't dropped or thrown away.

  4. Runs Hits Errors

  5. R is runs.

    H is hits.

    E is errors.

    To answer your second question, errors are fielding mistakes that the team playing defense makes. For example, if a player drops a pop-up, that is considered an error, because that's a play he's supposed to make. Normally errors don't go higher than 2 in a game for one team.

  6. hey you're an angel fan alright! ;)

    H- hits

    E- errors committed

    error is when you make some sort of fielding/defensive mistake.. :)

  7. H= Hits

    E= Errors

    R= Runs

  8. runs, hits && errors...go angels(:

  9. Runs Hits Errors

    Also, the top team is always the "Away" team, the bottom the "Home".

    For a list of current/past Aussie players, go to:

  10. R= Runs

    H= Hits

    E= Errors committed by that team.

    In stadiums, occasionally the teams will also list LOB, which is runners left on base by that team.

    And I only live 10 minutes away from Anaheim. I'm closer than you =p Haha


    An error is when the defensive team (the team not at bat) makes some sort of mistake that allows a baserunner to advance an EXTRA base, or at least one base more than the baserunner would've advanced if the defensive player hadn't made the mistake. Errors include a player dropping a flyball, air-mailing a throw allowing a guy to reach base, an infielder just completely missing a ground ball that he clearly should've been able to handle cleanly, or a passed ball (similar to a wild pitch: when the pitcher throws a pitch and the ball gets past the catcher far enough to allow a baserunner to advance. However, in a passed ball, it's a ball that the catcher allows to get by him that he should've handled. In both wild pitches and passed balls, they are only called if a baserunner is allowed to advance on the mistake.)

  11. Runs



  12. "H" means hits and "E" means errors and I live 20 minutes away from Anaheim so yes, go Angels.

  13. r= runs e = errors h= hits, runs are when someone scores, errors are when someone drops, misses, makes a bad throw or does a bone head play and hits are when someone hits the ball where the fielders aren't :)

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