
What do to now? this is annoying

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i am being treated for depression and anxiety, and i notice that i feel way better when im at work, school, or anything social really. But when i go back home, i feel like total c**p, i get anxious and i start thinking bad stuff again, this happens especially when im bored. What could be causing this? Is this another symptom of depression/anxiety? Will it go away? Keep in mind, i am on AD's and i do go to therapy, so dont suggest that please :p.





  1. I guess my first question would be...Do you live alone? ( I'm assuming that you do)  If so, try having healthy,supportive friends come to visit, when you start feeling bad. You can also ask if it's cool to call them on the phone. I am thinking you may have anxiety about being alone, because you don't have any 'distractions' (like you do at work, school or other social situations)  from your thoughts etc... When you start thinking about how bad you feel, it ends up turning into a downward spiral, causing you to concentrate more on your depression and anxiety. You also mentioned that it's worse when you're bored, so that sounds like another reason for thinking, just to give yourself something to do. I'm not a therapist but my advice would be to try to give yourself some healthy,structured 'distractions' while at you're at home. I KNOW that can be very difficult to do but would probably be worth it. P.S. I wish that AD's and therapy were a magical fix, all on their own!

  2. It's probably because when you are bored, you have more time to think, and thus, the negative thoughts start.  When you are busy, there is less time to worry or think negative thoughts.

    When you allow one negative thought in, another creeps in, and yet another, and another, and pretty soon you've traveled down the pathway to anxiety/depression.

    I suggest you try this thought-stopping technique.  When you are on your own, if something negative comes to mind, say 'STOP THAT THOUGHT.'  Try your best to divert your attention to ANYTHING besides that thought after you say this.  It really does work!  Especially if you know the consequences of thinking negatively and letting one bad thought turn into another. You can add things like, "STOP THAT THOUGHT! I'm not going down that path again." or " STOP THAT THOUGHT! I'm awesome.  I am a good person with a lot to offer." ... you get the idea.

    It's all about breaking this negative thought-pattern.  You can retrain your mind a little to think more positively.

  3. I just try to stay occupied. Lots of people feel anxious when they first get home from work. Have some rituals that you do to help you relax. I like to take a bath, listen to music, make food etc. You could also try some hobbies. They don't have to be anything grandiose just try something simple, like painting, model building or sewing. I personally found that getting some crayons and a coloring book and coloring was relaxing. It's fun, easy and when you're an adult, you can get pretty good at it! I also like to garden. Getting outside is a great way to feel better, even if you are just watering a few pots. It sounds like you are just BORED. This may or may not be a mental problem. A lot of people get bored and this is why so many hobbies exist! The key is to just get un-bored. Think of things that make you happy. Think of things you have always wanted to do and/or read about it. Best of luck to you and cheer up!

  4. Your experience in your family shapes how you think about yourself and others as well as how you feel.  Sadly our tendency is to seek what our family experience has been because we know how to cope with that atmospere where we "feel at home".  We don't seek what is new, or better, only what we know.  Read a good book called YOUR INNER CHILD OF THE PAST by W Hugh Missildine.  It will help you discover what your family influences were and what you can do to help yourself break a little free of them.  

    It's easy, interesting reading you can get on eBay cheap.  Some libraries have copies or can get it for you.  THERE IS A SECTION THAT TALKS ABOUT WHY WE FEEL BORED. It's arranged so you can read only those parts which apply to you if you want.Good luck!

  5. it's because when you are at work your mind is occupied. So maybe you could find something at home that occupies your mind such as reading or writing or playing an instrument. I know how you feel. I do better myself when I have something keeping my brain busy. Best wishes to you.  

  6. You could try exercise.  I've experienced decreased depression and a feeling of higher self-worth while on a regular exercise program. You will also sleep better after exercising.  Walking may be a good place to start if you aren't used to much exercise.  Hope this helps.

  7. It sounds like social situations keep your thoughts busy.  Do you live alone?  Maybe you could plan some things to do at home to keep your mind busy.  Some things that I can think of:  watch your favorite types of movies, read some good books, surf the internet for things you've always wondered about, walk your dog (if you've got one), etc.

    I hope this helps.

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