
What do toads like to eat?

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We found a toad hopping around at a lake and we kept him. We put him in an aquarium and gave him a natural habitat. I want want to know what to feed him.




  1. They like to eat a varitey of insects including crickets and worms.

  2. they eat flys worms and bugs i looked it up:P

  3. It all depends on what kind of toad..

    A normal toad would probably eat fruit flies, or frog food at the store.. toads will sometimes eat frog food

    -hope I helped... check out the websites

  4. look your really seriously have to put it back what your doing is cruel immoral and in some places illegal

    U cant just take a toad out of the wild its cruel environmentally damaging and a nasty thing to do

    u want a pet frog do the correct research THEN GET ONE FROM A REPUTABLE REPS STORE.

    this is a wild animal and its cruel to take it from its environment. phibs/reps require very specific environments which (do u even know what species u have if u dont how do u know your keeping it correctly different species require different amounts of space different amounts of water, different amounts of food etc)

    also most wild caught animals dont do well in captivity many die from the stress while other die from disease bad care that comes from a lowered immune system (caused from the stress of capture)

    those "lucky" (there not really that lucky) ones that survive never have a good quality of live get ill easy have stress related behavior disorders are harder to tame and never settle down truly

    if you want a pet frog or toad do the correct research on keeping such animals then by ones (preferably from a reputable reptile shop)

    to answer your question (this is mainly for future reference since im sure your kinda and sensible enough to let it go) frog eat live insects good choices are soft bodies invertebrates such as earthworms slug deshelled snails or crickets all can be got frog livefood websites or pet store never take bugs from the wild to feed your pet as they carry disease dangerous bacteria and parasites they also could be contaminated with pesticides and fertilizers.

    oh and when u put him back where u found it would be best if this is not an option a heavy planted area such as a forest or park would be best at evening or night if possible

  5. fly, bugs, and some other stuff

  6. I would just let him go. Wildlife deserves to stay wild. He probably won't eat anyways cause he's too stressed. Sounds harsh, but its for the own good of the toad.

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