
What do toxic gases do?

by Guest58379  |  earlier

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What do toxic gases do?




  1. They Kill

  2. They can make you sick (for either short or long periods) or, worse yet, kill you.

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  3. Many people throughout the Western world die every year as a result of breathing in toxic gases, which cause their lungs to fail or their hearts to go into cardiac arrest. These gases, which are found not only in industrial environments but also in nature, can be odourless, colourless and generally for the most part undetectable to the human eye and nose.

    Hydrogen Sulphide is a toxic gas commonly known as 'sewer gases'. These gases - once again colourless - take on the smell of rotten eggs but after a while they cause those breathing them in to lose their sense of smell and ultimately they begin to believe that the gas has gone. Hydrogen Sulphide counteracts oxygen and causes asphyxiation.

    Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a common way in which many people die. Not only is it something found in nature as the result of incomplete combustion of wood or coal but it is also present in the fuel we burn to run our motor vehicles.

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