
What do trinidadian guys like?

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What do trinidadian guys like?




  1. LMAO@ ifuaskme. Yuh could say dat about de others not my but not my Fadder nah. Even though he been married 26 yrs to my Mudda he know when he hungry is he who have to cook cuz my moms only cookin Sunday and if he want to go and horn she not losin any sleep.  Trini men will only treat you like dat if yuh let them(any man will as a matter of fact).

    Why Trini men like to whistle at dey woman to get their attention? Dais the one thing my Fadda will do and I can't stand it! Dat and de kissing noise I can't take dat on either dat does make me want to cuss somebody!

  2. Uh Trinidadian women!

  3. Trini guys like girls , nice looking ones .

    Baby Jay ,a person with a male looking avatar should Not be asking this question in public.

  4. 1st answer was best...

    they also expect every woman to be able to cook everything from curry to pelau and be able to bring food to them hot...

    while they themselves can't even toast Kiss bread.

  5. they love to be pampered and believe that they are the most important thing to you. feed them, and take care of them while leaving them free to lime wih their friends.  Dont complain if they choose to go liming and dont contact you until 2 days later.  

    The truth of the matter is that they will be any way that you allow them to be.  you should set your ground rules early in the game, and demand that he respect you and them. find out what he likes and dislike and work around them.  PS every man hates a woman who nags.

    my grandmom always claimed that no matter what my grandfather did, he may leave in d morning and not return until the next morning, she sure he ent going by no other woman!  so it not making no sense that she nag him about liming, or drinking. and he know that she would have pour some hot oil or something on him, so he knew his limits.

  6. best answer to ifuaskme.  

  7. nah nah nah nah !!! allyuh stop it rite dey !! Wham !

    One bad breadfruit doh spoil dey whole bag ah toolum man. Look and yuh see de coment bout Trini man doh cook ...laaad fadder allyuh hold meh back. It have some women who doh even know how to light ah stove, but yuh doh hear De Julien saying Trini woman can't cook.

    Anyhoes to make ah long story short Trini man ---- jes like Trini woman who vex lorse, dey like de same tings.

    Food, song, dance and ah d**n good time and yes we does flirt too d**n much, i know cuz i guilty like Dole.

    Ladies if yuh man doh treat yuh rite daz your fault, like sumbody say set de rules. Same ting fellas if yuh woman eh treating yuh rite throw yuh frame.

    But back to de question --- I as a Trini male like ....ah  hah hah hah aha !! allyuh too d**n fas repost de question with more detail and ah go answer !

  8. Ah find you should ask ...what do trinidadian guys DON'T Like! And it should be phrased like this "It have anything ah trini man eh like? Because as far as I know it have all kinda man and speaking bout one may not be the same for the other. But ah go tell yuh! They rell like they oman and them. Yes.....ask yuh bes fren!

  9. dey like to sweet talk a woman to get what they want. they could make beaulah feel like she's angelina jolie...

    to be treated like a king..nothing better than for you to bring their food for them on a tray while they in front the tv

    to make up stories like if woman have jacckka$$ written on their forehead. doh believe nuttin a trini man tell yuh. he could tell you the sky blue! but don't beleive him eh? because when you look up it gray like rain about to fall

  10. Dey like to horn, borrow money, eat for free and for woman to treat them like a king, while dey c**k up doin nutting

  11. To be in control and boss woman

  12. Trini guys like themselves...plain and simple!!!!!!! I not saying that is a bad thing all the time but lets face it trini girls out's hard to find a nice, friendly, funny, honest, goodlooking (to the eye of the beholder), one-woman man...but it's fun to be really simple and general, guys like food, friends and freedom!!

  13.   i can`t speak of all trini men , however some would rather a woman who would respect their privacy and just show a level of trust . and be straight  forward to the point

    , that`s all  

  14. Well Smokey and Bunty Bar is St.James ALWAYS have men in them. Even early in the morning.

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