
What do u all think about malaysia?

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What do u all think about malaysia?




  1. its home to me. :)

  2. yea I'm thinking now ....

  3. best country in the world.hahaha

  4. replay question?

    M-multiple races


    L-life in harmony






    p/s : fill the blank

  5. the only place i call home.

    n i agree with glocker..yup..some more improvements!

  6. Better than many other countries ! My home. is may not so good in some area, but if your look at some other , Oh ,we are better ! We don't have any so call world / Asia No 1 like other, but our people  got enough cost is not so high . We are FREE to talk about who will be our PM, but not some other place. We can buy car any times, some countries need so call COE/ERP. Malaysia take times to become better in many area, but ,now, okay,no to bad.

  7. I love my country. This is home.

    However, we need inprovements in leadership, judiciary, law enforcement & more.

    There are too many things that are wrong with Malaysia & it needs to stop.

    The time to mend it is now.

  8. love it

  9. Malaysia citizen is friendly........but not all.

  10. things will get better ,right ?

  11. Hujan emas di negeri orang, lebih baik hujan batu di negeri sendiri..

    whatever it is, how many pros & cons she might have, i will always love her till the end..its my home, its where i am belong..there's no other can compare to your own homeland..

  12. will be much better without Anwar, HINDRAF, sux politicians, Nik Aziz, corrupted police, rafidah & kit siang.

    overall, i love my homeland.

  13. Home.

  14. Hot and cool..

  15. They can steal our loved one bodies, break families and take away our own children, destroy temples, courts will turn away from justice. If you want to discuss for legal remedy, threat of violence!

    Reforming politicians will be charged with Sodomy

    Malaysia Boleh!

  16. It is not perfect but heck it's home, LoL=P

  17. Is it some kind of pastry? Sounds like Danish pastries to me.....mmmm....I love pastries!

  18. politics sucks -that will lead to suffering of the people, soon.

    Quite alot of judgemental people around- still judging by look and  what hey do for living.

    So 'sheep'- there's only one way to be happy and rich.

    Asking discount for everything- like a culture.

    -Most of the ppl still backward in thinking-except in CBD.

    -Exagerate things and mostly unnecesary things

    -Get sensitive  so quickly when it come to comment, opinion other people point of view, criticism and get personal about it and being defensive, instead looking it in rational way and being open about it.

    democracy- just because you every 5 years we have election.

    gov service has improved but still long way to go.

    takes ages to do one small changes and improvement.

    Dont get sensitive ppl, this is what I happen to see.

  19. depends on ur generisity of buying me lunch

  20. peace, fun, harmony but politics at the moment sucks! It's a country I called my HOME. Yes, I agree..we need more improvement..a MAJOR one.... Selamat Hari Merdeka! :)

  21. my home land

  22. my home

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