
What do u buy a pre-k graduate?

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  1. buy her something that she will always look back on and be like oh my mom gave this to me when i graduated from pre-k like something with meaning.

  2. This is not the sort of thing for which a gift is required.

  3. a toy that is a little too expensive for an everyday gift but that you wouldnt want to wait until christmas to give her. Or a trip to the park, Chuck E Cheese, or the zoo. or a waterpark

  4. How about a special dinner,  or ice cream treat. She will love the one-on-one time with you.

  5. that is sweet. as my father says ever year yo have now reached the age of responsibly your litte gril now needs to learn skill in which  she will use in the rest of her life. elemenry and preschool is when you learn the base you just kid on working out. you could buy her a piggy bank or a leapfrog or some other fun but learning thing

  6. flowers are good to bring and maybe let her choose a toy somewhere

  7. well it depends if she likes to look pretty or play house buy her clothes and fake make up but if she likes toys than get her dolls or princess stuff or (no effence) but preskolers could tend to be purty dumb so just set an amount of money say $20 tale her shopping and tell her go to the store and buy stuff then later say stop best of luck!

  8. buy them a toy to reward them for doing a great job

    make them feel special.


  9. Your "princess" doesn't need material gifts from you.  Just tell her that you are proud of her and give her a BIG HUG.  Just think about it!  What are you teaching her by giving her a "Gift"?  Her success is her reward.  It's more important that your "Princess" learn that she satisfies your expectation of her by doing well.  Otherwise, What will you give her when she graduates from high school or college?  Sounds ridiculous doesn't it??

  10. I work in a pre-k center and for our graduation we bought the graduates a rose and a candy bar with their picture and a little saying on it. the saying was just a little something about how much we appreciate them and taking care of them through the years.

  11. get her something that will be educational as well as fun, for example, leap frog has some good products. Casey the kinderbot should be a good one too.

  12. I would get her an ID bracelet to remember this time in her life. Also, if you haven't created a scrapbook for her, you should start. It will help her remember the event in her life at a later time. My ID bracelet is still in tact and now in my safety deposit box.  I am 24 and think of my preschool graduation fondly. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

  13. You can print them off a certificate saying congrats you have accomplished preschool and take them out to pizza or since shes a girl you can give her a responsibility or a doll or something anything she might like. hope this helps

  14. You say that she is your "everything", so if it were me I would splurge and get her an outfit, a baby doll (or some kind of toy), and a card.

  15. Enroll her in a children's book of the month club.  Start a college savings account.

  16. I agree that she does not need a gift.  However, as  a mom who loves to see their little faces light up, I understand wanting to get something for her.  Keep it small and inexpensive.  She will love anything you get for her. My daughter who is her age loves books on tape (or CD).  They are fairly inexpensive and they are helping her learn to read.  You sound like the mom who has given her many wonderful gifts already.  So maybe a piggy bank so she can begin to save money and buy things she wants with her own money.  I hope this helps and God bless!

  17. This might be stupid, but my mom and dad got me a teddy bear bank with a graduation cap.  Or maybe a cute dress for her to wear on her last day of preschool?

  18. you need to buy kinder books for her and also kinder workbooks soo she can learn more.

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