
What do u c on a teleportation?

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what do u c after u teleport but before u reache ure destination?




  1. It depends. Currently there are two forms of teleportation. The two step and three step.  

    Two step involves "jumping" from point A to Point B. and if you do that, you will see nothing more than a blur before you get to point B.

    however, in the three step... Like nightcrawler from X men, he actually jumps to another dimension, and then back to Point B. He would see darkness before he got there.  FYI, that is also why when he teleports you see the purplish black smoke, that is from the atmosphere of the dimension he jumps to.

  2. Nothing except where you were before.

  3. wtf kind of question is that

  4. Our teleporter uses electromagnetic reconvergence. So Our eyes really don't exist as matter. We are transported much as a Television signal on earth.

  5. It's just sparkly. It goes from what you see, to sparkles, then fades to what you see cause you're at your destination. They show the transport from the traveler's point of view several times in TNG

  6. hmm

    im not sure

    i think that you'd hear like a whirring sound

    and if your in a tardis

    then you'd see the inside of the tardis

    but if you were outside then the place your at would go blurry and then it would transform to your destination?



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