
What do u da boxing fans think bout the postponed calz/jones fight?

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Does this re-schedualing gives either fighter an advantage or disadvantage and if so who?




  1. advantage to calzagz his hand have been a problem all through his career this will give him the time to recover hopefully this will not effect him on fight night this will probably be the last and most promoted fight of his career but will be gud for jones coz h**l get to  promote the fight

  2. If training camp has already started, that  should help Jones.  The most critical aspect of this fight for Roy is workrate.  If he can maximize both his aerobic and anaerobic threshholds, he's got a shot.  Remember that Tyson's pleurisy gave Buster Douglas extra time to get his flabby butt into shape.  So hopefully it will result in Roy being more active, throwing more punches, and showing more flashes of the old Roy.

  3. Its probably best for Jones to avoid this match, the reschedule benefits Jones

  4. well, it obviously gives joe's hand time to heal....but aside from that, both are gonna have their preparation plans re scheduled.

  5. it gives jones a little longer before getting whupped!...hope its posponed indefinately its gonna be the worst non fight ever..dont care who wins this one is gonna be $hite!

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