
What do u do if u lose your hamster in the house?

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What do u do if u lose your hamster in the house?




  1. Close all doors to the rooms and whatever you do, don't vaccume till you found your little friend. My friend found her hamster once that way, it was uhm, quiet disturbing for a pet owner myself.

  2. Same thing happened to me when I had a hamster !

    Basically what we did we made a trail of food it liked into an open area and eventually it would come out.

    Just keep a close eye.

    Hope that helps :)

  3. The best thing to do is buy a live trap (or a few if you can afford it) and put some food in it. A live trap will not hurt your pet and you can pick one up at any hardware or feed and seed store. Sometimes wal-mart carries them too. Put it in a likely place he will turn up to look for food and be mindful when you walk from room to room. Try and block off any areas where your pet might squeeze into and get hurt or trapped without your knowing. Since hamsters are nocturnal it might be to your benefit to sit quietly in the night and listen for him. Please post if you find him and good luck!

  4. There are several things you can do.

    1. Stay up LATE at night and search the rooms one by one with a flashlight and ALL the lights off. Rodents are MUCH more active at night. After you have "cleared a room close the doors and place a rolled up bath towel arond the bottom so he can't return to that room. Check every closet and lift up all things laying on the floor. hamsters are sometimes sleep "lightly" at night. You MIGHT hear him scratching at things looking to find a meal.

    2. Purchase a "Catch Live" rat trap from the hardware store. Place them near the walls where rodents tend to run along at night. Bait them with peanut butter. They are harmless to anything that enters these simple box traps. Remove all other kinds of mousetraps in the house.

    3. Carefully inspect your cage to figure how the "Convict" escaped". Fix the problem or buy a new cage.

    4. If you have cats or dogs (or snakes?) Keep them caged or segarated until your furry friend is found. Keep small dishes of water in each room so that they can have fresh water until they are captured.

    P.S. My sister found her hamster 3 weeks after he escaped. They can go some time without food, but only a few days without water.

    Good Luck

  5. build a hamster-catcher out of straws. heheh

  6. first cover the basic,

    do you have any pets(cats, dogs..etc)?

    if you do it might make it more difficult,

    but once my hamster got loose and a day after we found him

    (in a craft closet) we looked deeper in the closet and we found a nest, it was adorable, he had taken clumps of cat hair and made a nest, with pieces of cat food all around it, so he had been living there for a little less than 3 days eating our cat food and sleeping there, hes such an adventurous little guy.

    Well yours might be doing the same thing, unless hes not so anventurous! but you could put sunflower seeds in a pile and watch it, or you can wait, waiting is a good idea, you might see him scamping across the floor, but hamsters are pretty good at taking care of themselves. so just keep an eye out,

    but you can still look in closets too. and its best looking at night where they should be awake.

    hope that helps :)

  7. Put a hand full of food on the ground. If it comes out catch it.Also listen to noises that sound like scracthing, if your hear any go near it , it might be your hamster. Don't use any loud devices like a vacum etc. To prevent this from happening investigate the cage and look from places that it might be able to come out of.  If you know its behind something remove it gentley and cup your hands over it.

  8. You could put a ramp up to a bucket with treats water and other things in and try to catch it. Look all the places that u would and wouldn't think a hamster would go. I lost my hamster for 2 days and i found it in the laundry room under the sink!

  9. entrap

  10. Put a handful of food in some random place and keep an eye on it. Eventually the hamster will go to the food :)

  11. you look through out with your heart until you find him if you bond with it then it will probably come back for you

  12. you get a tall bucket, put bedding in it, and apple and other treats inside. make a stariway that isnt steep out of books leading to the bucket; they will climb in.

  13. Well try and put its favorite food out where it can come and eat it and let it eat a little bit and then catch it!!

  14. i would put out some cheese in like a trap THAT WON"T HURT THE HAMPSTER!!!

  15. mouse traps will catch him...hamsters like cheese too

  16. leave a favorite treat in an open cage left on the floor and keep an eye on it.  or start up a vacuum that's how every lost hamster story i have ever heard ends!!  lol  sorry couldn't resist

  17. first thing i would do is close all the doors, windows, etc. so it can't get out. second close off every room, one by one, and check each one individually and thoroughly. if you still haven't found the hamster, put a bunch of sunflower seeds on the floor and puts its cage on the floor so it can easily get back in (hamsters nest and will be most comfortable in their "home") keep an eye out, and try to listen for chewing, squeaking, etc.

    ps- if ur really attached to the hamster, you may want to consider unplugging unecessary appliances (my hamster LOVES trying to chew and power cords and i have to keep a close eye on her when she's out...)

  18. I would first say check that there are no vents or anything like that in which your hamster could have gone into. Also I would try leaving some food out where your hamster could easily get to it and watch for anything like bites and ect. If you see anything like that I would probably make a sort of trap to catch it in. I hope this helps you get your hamster back because I know if I ever lost either 1 of my hamsters I would be terribly upset so I can only imagine how bad you're feeling.

  19. agh, i hate it when this happens, hamsters are tricky little fellows =P...alright, first of all if your hamster has not been lost for very long close off the room where it's cage is located. this will prevent it from going further into the house. second, if you have any other pets make sure they are kept in an area where you are absolutely sure the hamster is not in, they may see it running around and attempt to catch it. start in the room where the cage is. don't move furniture, and if you do make sure to move it slowly so the hamster doesn't get squashed. look slowly, because hamsters are small and can fit into all kinds of places. unplug any electronics and move poisonus plants out of reach of the hamster. if you do not find it, start looking in rooms nearby. if you don't find it, leave a pile of food near the room where the cage is and if there are any stairs, put a pile at the bottom/top of them, as the hamster could have fallen or climbed the stairs. if you notice that the food is being eaten, monitor the area closely and soon you should find your hammie =)

    Next time make sure to fully close the cage, this is how both my hamsters escaped.

  20. make sure he get food and water so he doesn't die while hes out of the cage

  21. I have done that before. What did I do? I went looking for it....

  22. Ours got out a few months ago.  We could hear it moving around at night.  We put food on the floor of the one room and once we knew he was in there we shut that door and my daughter did finally catch him.  He was "lost" for two days before we got him.

  23. my old hamster was an escape artist :P. What i did was I put a handful of food in each room and leave and shut the doors immediately. in a little while, go back to each room. whichever had food taken away from the pile is where they are then try to listen for them and follow the sound quietly. :)

  24. this happned 2 me be 4 2 lol only 3 got out

    all u have to do is set humane traps like wen they step on the pedel and a door closes behind them :p put some f their favorite food in it never failed me o and i tried just putting a pile of food in the room  i was in and i stayed up all night watchign t.v and they came out :P my mom never new lol

    try a food that gives off a strong smell that way they will get attracted to it and want oto know wat it is

    hope i sorta kinda helped good luck :p !!!!!!!

  25. find him

  26. all of these people are wrong. what you should do is turn off all apliances and electrical devices and listen in each part of your house for scurrying noises. if you know its behind something remove it gentley and cup your hands over it.

    P.S. to  prevent these situations always inspect the cage when you are done.

  27. Easy hamster trap without hurting your pet:


    1 bucket it can't crawl out of

    it's favorite treat

    a book or some other flat and sturdy object

    set the book next to the bucket and make a sort of ramp

    put food up the ramp and your friend will climb up and fall into the bucket

    here's a pic similar to what I mean:

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