
What do u do if u were stood up on a date, i mean ur date didn't show up ?

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What do u do if u were stood up on a date, i mean ur date didn't show up ?




  1. have a wonk

  2. Read a good book.

  3. what can you do? move on! and get over it.

  4. Ring a friend and ask them to meet you somewhere else and go for dinner and drinks! dont call the "date" if you have been stood up it will dent there ego a little bit if you dont bother to call cause they will wonder if you turned up. if they had a real reason for not going, not calling, or texting you to let you know they will contact you later! plenty more fish in the sea.

  5. you go home..or go do something fun...then you wait for the might be real!  but with the advent of cell phones that is highly unlikely...but give em a chance.  if it was real, you can make it up, if they just blew you off, write THEM off!  what else can you do, its not worth it!  good luck!

  6. call and tell him or her off, and dont go out the them again unless of was a very very good reason.

  7. u never talk to him or her

  8. i will meet someone the same nigth is that easy for me but i will go home not that sad but confuse

  9. move on to the fish....  that is why... there are so many of them

  10. go off and do your own thing, and have a good night out on your own, I mean who needs dates anyway...

  11. i would give a call to make sure everything was ok, as who knows what could of happend?

    and it better be good!!!! see if the person is wanting to schedule another date and go from there.....

    was this a first date?  if it was then thats ok they can kinda get away with it, but if this isn't, well, like i said, see what the excuse is.

    just don't let anyone make a fool of you ok!!!

    good luck!

  12. Make it a night with yourself or friends! Don't let the jerk ruin it!

  13. On a first date?  Move on, forget about it, it's their loss.  There is the slim possibility that they may have been injured, died, or suffered the loss of a loved one en route to see you, but that's pretty unlikely.  

    After a few dates? Perhaps call them, once only and leave a message, something like 'You didn't show.  You ok?  Let me know.'  Leave it at that.  Of course, they may have died/been injured/suffered the loss of a loved one en route to see you, which are reasonable reasons for not letting you know that they weren't coming.

  14. I really like the one about saying you didn't show up, and apologize for not showing.  I've done that before, and the guy actually acted mad at me.  What games, huh? Boring

  15. go anyway and have fun. then when they call up the next day say "i went by myself and it was so much fun ive decided that you were bringing me down. youre such a loser"

  16. I would move on and not worry too much about it!  There are plenty of other men out there!  This one just wan't the right one and you found out before you invested too much time into the relationship.

  17. I'd phone my mates and tell them to meet me at the nearest pub or club, and have a good night out with them instead

    Failing that i'd go home and watch a good film!!!

  18. I might sound crazy but if you really like the guy and you don`t know if he did it on purpose maybe you sound try to catch up with him/her and try to talk to them. If you KNOW they did it on purpose ask them why, Then and ONLY then kick them to the curve.

  19. pretend u never went call them and tell them u were so sorry u didnt go to the date

  20. Go home

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