
What do u do if ur teacher scares the ****out of u harrasment wise and knw body belives u?

by  |  earlier

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he is realy fat bt his step son is skiny and HOTT




  1. Tell him or her straight in the face that if he does not stop doing it you'll sue his *** off and say it in a confident way one on one.

  2. First I suggest that you stop talking and writing in text speak. This might improve your spelling and the way you talk. Then he might not act in a way to scare you. If this behaviour continues then you must put in a written report to your head teacher about it. This should be done by your parents. Finally does the fact that he have a "hot son" or that he is fat, have any bearing whatsoever on this situation?  

  3. He plainly does not teach English.

    If it is true, report it giving details

  4. Have you access to one of those little tape recorders that you could conceal, that way you could tape the lesson and you will have evidence, I do not think it will stand up in a court of law as evidence, but at least your parents can hear it, and the head, so they will know that what you are saying is true.

    Now the fact that you have mentioned his size, is it possible that other kids harrass him with regards to this, and he is just reacting to the treatment of him, no excuse, but teachers are human like the rest of us.  

    If you do not have a tape recorder you could use, start documenting everything that happens, dates, times what was said by whom, and if there were any witnesses to it, and then give this information to your head teacher or year head.

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