
What do u do to conserve the environment?

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i know most of the people'll find it to be the same thing about envronment but v all need to do this for our survival




  1. solar energy...water shed management... plant trees... stop littering..  stop buying animal products... (skin bones n stuff...) n the best u can do is... make a group... on the net... with ur friends.... n get into action... save the planet... i've tried... i really dont like ppl who dont like animals... ppl like us shud get together n go on a strike... i hate poachers... but..uuuum... u want to conserve the environment n i want to save the wildcats....n bears... there's a least i think there is... uumm.. anyway... bye..

  2. Recycle my stuff, conserve water when showering, using the car when neccesary, and dispose of electronics properly.

  3. i don't waste paper.......

    i rear street animals....

    I use non-toxic household products

    I have only 2 cars(one is small)

    I don't run my air conditioner or heat unless it gets pretty bad.

    i have opened up many blogs like

  4. Try to reuse and recycle everything possible. Use minimum resources. Keep everything clean... don't spit and litter here and there and also encourage others. Don't think that this is a rule in your city or not, but make it a habit

  5. I plant trees on my birthday.

    I try to maintain cleanliness in my surroundings. I cant do anything more than that.

  6. Best thing you can do, short of killing yourself, is not to reproduce. Overpopulation is what is/has destroyed our environment. There have never been more people living off this planet at the one time as there are at this minute. This is not just some amazing irrelevant coincidence.

  7. I have been an advocate for the natural resources my entire life.  For the past 33 years my work, my career has been as a Park Ranger and Natural Land Manager.

    I am responsible for a state park, the wildlife and habitats must be managed to survive in this day and age.  We have numerous designated species both flora and fauna, that will only exist here as long as we do our job.

    I live, breathe, and work towards that goal.  MY programs teach environmental awareness, my staff promote wise use of the resources, and our partnerships in the community build stronger bonds for the health of everyone through a healthy environment.

  8. I grow my own vegetables in my little backyard.

    I don't use pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

    I use non-toxic household products.

    I don't have a huge car.

    I don't run my air conditioner or heat unless it gets pretty bad.

    I don't eat beef. Beef is terrible for the environment. Land. Antibiotics. Run off.

    I try to teach people that being conservative is only what people have done all along. That being greedy and proud of it is a new thing. And its not a good trait. It goes against old time values, religion, and common sense. Being frugal, thrifty and humble were the things people used to believe in and encourage.

  9. I will change my attitude towards the environment. I think the environment is not our heredity property, it is only borrowed one only.

  10. Stop eating it.

  11. Six things you can easily do:

    not litter

    avoid plastic bags

    not burn anything unnecessary

    not waste electricity

    using rechargeable cells

    not bursting crackers

  12. Conserve our soil, water and foliage....., otherwise we will perish.

  13. it's the simple things that count so just try to be as eco-friendly as possible..... even picking up a candy wrapper and throwing it in the right receptacle would have a big impact.... a journey starts with tiny steps so let's step it up!

  14. i need a sexey griel.

  15. i throw my trash in the garbage can

  16. I think every one in this planet is obliged to protect the the environment and to conserve the natural resources. It is easy to start with myself by driving as little as possible, car pool to work and back home, try to take buses most of the time, use the least energy at home, try to use least plastic bags or use the reuseable bag instead for every shopping, or you are not even think about to chop a christmas tree in the mountain this year, to complete every short distant trip by walking, and many common sensed ways to conserve our poor environment. It is already in history that polluted air with high amount of suspendable particulates just like in Hong Kong, LA, NY, and London can kill normal and health people. You can  just type in "The great fog of London, 1952," in Google Search, you can immediately read article describes that there were more than 4,000 Lononers killed by the industrial pollution combined with fog probably with PM10, PM2.5, Co2, No2, So2, and O3. Hong Kong government has released the most recent information of there were more than 3,000 citizens were died from air pollution related diseases of asthma, heart and lung. The Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart diseases Association claimed there were 5,700 people had died with smoking related diseases last year. Hong Kong is currently known as the most polluted city in this world. This is referred to Tim Flannary's websites and his associate, Christine Loh (a Hong Kong citizen) posting articles for giving the most valueable information of how and why Hong Kong is that bad for human inhabitants. There are two fossil fuel power generating stations existing in Hong Kong, coupled with a car flow capacity of of 400/km. Hong kong's high rise building have trapped the most industrial pollution from the Pearl Delta of China keep on damaging the ecological nature and human lives. The horrified chemical particulates of NOx , SOx, HxCy,and TSP is bad enough to hurt Hong Kong's environment. Hong Kong is currently has more than 1.5 million citizens contracted with asthma, coronary heart disease, and lung disease. Many of them are hospitalized and awaiting to die, and more than 1.4 million outpatients are needed to visit the clinics for docs' appointments periodically, and all of them need to take many different kinds of pills on a daily basis. Hong Kong has a daily record of Air Pollution Index (API) of ranging from 60-100, frequently 133-155 are critical readings from Cayseway Bay, Central, and Monkok. THe recommended API of world standard by WHO (world Health Organization) is 30. I think the Basic 4R Concept of Reduce, Replace, Reuse and Recycle is the most applicable action for conserving our envronment.

  17. Made lots of gardens from places that were just sand and rocks

    a couple of parks

    and try to convince farmers about sustainable farming ,bio diversity ,organic pest control etc .

    have talked to kids about Environmental awareness

  18. The condition of the environment is a worldwide issue.

    One key distinction is between the environmental threats faced by developed .The environmental problems faced by developed nations are largely the result of their economic strength and higher standards of living.nations

                                    The industries needed to create products for consumption also affect the environment through the emission of greenhouse gases and other wastes.

  19. by doing all the things vich will help environment 2 be safe for our future generations.....

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