
What do u do u do to ur fish tank 3 days before you introduce ur fish?

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  1. Set it up (gravel, filter, plants). You need bacteria in there, so go to Petco and buy a bottle of packaged aquarium bacteria or put some hardy feed fish in to get the beneficial bacteria going

  2. I'd say "cycle it," but a proper cycle takes more than 3 days.

  3. you put water in it, turn on your heaters, put in chlorine drops (read how many to put in there), put your rocks and decorations ,turn on filters

  4. Its called starter/ cycle. Basically your conditioning the water and adjusting the PH levels to best suite your fish. The bigger the tank the longer this may take. For a 10 gal I would say 3 days, for a bigger tank, maybe a week. You could take a sample of your water to your local pet supplier store and have them test the water or you could buy your own at home fresh/saltwater tester kit it about 45 bucks. Once you get the fish you take small doses of your tank water and introduce it to the bag of water your fash came from and you do this every 5 minutes for 20 minutes, then your fish is adjusted to your tank water and you can now scoop him out of the bag not bringing any of that foreign water into your tank, just the fish. Your fish should be completely adjusted and happy!

  5. well 2 months before that you have to cycle your tank. then after 2 months float the bag of fishes in the water for 5 min. then add 1 cup of aquarium water to the bag. wait another 15 min. then after dump the bag into a bucket (NOT aquarium!!! water may have parasites) then try and ctach your fishes and add them to your tank!!! =D goodluck!!!!

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