
What do u do wen everyone thinks ur a loser?

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people in my class always look down their noses at me. i cnt crack a joke or anythin and i wish i could fit in. any help?




  1. well if they are stuck up then arent they the losers. Youd be surprised how many people are like that towards you when they are jealous, you carry on being you, dont care what others think.

    i dont care at all :)

  2. just be what if you cant crack a joke...just be you and if they don't like you their lose. hold your head up and be confident.

  3. Be nice.  Offer to help kids with homework, strike up a conversation, a simple "How are you doing?"  Can brighten up anyone.  Kill everyone with kindness.

  4. maybe you're trying to fit in with the wrong people?

    forget what they think.

    listen to the lyrics of jimmy eat world's "the middle"

    it helped me a lot when i felt this way


  5. dont worry... it wont last forever, e all have to endure school. your fine as u are.. dont force ur self to change who u are ...not for anyone.

  6. you are an introvert. you like to keep to yourself. It's ok, you're like me. And don't be goth like paula says ... it's so stupid as people will look down on you further. Just accumulate hidden merits extensively .. and in time ... people will see how smart and cool you are and they would wanna be your friends.

  7. Stop trying, stop trying to fit in, don't crack jokes or anything else.  The more you try the more desperate you look and that's a turn off.  Make sure you look good, smell good and dress nice.  You don't have to spend a ton of money, just look clean.  Keep your head up in the halls.  Sometimes it helps to imagine yourself like a star for instance think of yourself like the star in Legally Blonde, she started out  behaving kind of stupid but she didn't really let it bother her. Eventually she was admired.  My grandmother used to tell me when my friends didn't want to hang out with me to look like I had something else to do anyway. Don't let them see you're hurt, weakness is a death trap! Well, she didn't say that, she was a nice lady, but you get my meaning. You're going to have a super year!

  8. Try to be confident and outgoing.Laugh a lot.Find a few friends and stick with them and look out for each other

  9. Don't worry, your day will come, you will turn around and surprise them.

    Don't bother trying to 'fit in', or trying to speak their language, it's social suicide if you don't have what it takes. Just be true to yourself, and do your own thing. The ones that matter will see this and respect it. The rest you don't have to bother about.  

  10. Ok ive never been looked at as a loser but hope i can help....

    at my school everything is about image and how you present yourself, for instance don't fake anything your not because sooner or later you will get yourself in big trouble an everyone will know u are lying!!!! this girl in one of my classes did that and after everyone found out her life was a living h**l!

    You would be surprised how many people are like my group we like to try and be nice to everyone, even though that doesn't always happen.  Try to talk to someone in your class to make a fruend then sit with her/him and theur friends at lunch, just be yourself and if they aren't the rught people then try again

    always feel free to email me from my profile page if you have anymore questions, HOPE I HELPED AND GOOD LUCK :-)

  11. ust talk to ppl even if ur shy

    ull be ok

  12. i was the same but i ignored every 1 and move on now i am married and have  a great husband how loves me alot school is a night mare for some of us it will go away


  13. just be ur self ur bound 2 find 1 person who likes u 5 who u r

    stay strong to the end of the year and dont b fake or corny

    unless its funny/sarcastic funny

  14. I just say

    "Yeah I'm a what"

  15. stop trying to fit in. keep on cracking those jokes because its funny when others dont get your jokes. it keeps you out of trouble. dont wish to fit in then you become one of them. who look down on others. be true to you and respect yourself and others.friends will come

  16. XD


    You don't want to fit in! If you didn't fit in naturally then they aren't for you. Find other people like you and be proud of the amazing loser you are!  

  17. Music lots and lots of music with lyrics relative how you feel

  18. Looking at your last few questions, I think it's your personality people don't like.

    Instead of craving attention from and trying to fit in with people who are probably not worth knowing, you should just do your own thing and stop whining.

    People will have more interest in you then. (especially if you stop the whining, that's really annoying and makes you sound like one of those people that starts following you around thinking your their friend if you talk to them for 30 seconds)

  19. friends sux i had them once then they all back stabbed me so now i hate everyone and it is much better so just be goth and no one will bother you

  20. nfau hajo meaujn kuid nuya!

  21. don't worry about them...perhaps you should find some really close friends with whom you can talk to and hang out with and share your troubles with

    but the key is to not care what they think--no matter how hard that seems

    you can also try to see positive traits in yourself that the others who pick on you don't possess, which could boost your self-esteem at the same time

    k, hope i helped!

  22. You're not a loser, be proud of who you are. Don't compromise yourself just to fit in with people. You are who you are, and whoever doesn't like it can go whistle.

  23. Depends on your school, you know? Honestly, you just have to suck it up and live with it. Learn to be out going and encounter your shyness. I used to be really shy, had a friend or two, now when I talk up to 6AM in the morning, I have five people talking to me. Life is great, and I don't take friends for just, live it up a little!

  24. There will always be someone that likes you. Be confident and talk to people until you find someone that likes you. If you can find one person you can find others a lot easier...

  25. Just e yourself and don't care about what others think of you because to me, I have a theory: Its mind over matter, you say "I don't mind what you say and you don't matter"

  26. why do u want to fit in??? be your own person!!! be different, dare to be different  dont be like everyone else..they are like cattle all goin to in the same direction..why would you want that??? be an individual! have your own sense style!

  27. Ok, you don't need to fit in. Sounds to me like if you "fit in" your not going to be yourself. And I'm sure there is one person in your class that likes you. A tip is "don't try to be cool" being yourself is the only thing you can be and if they can't appreciate that tell them "I'm not perfect" and because no one is. And who cares if you can't crack a joke usually no one can unless they make a fool of there self. Just lighten up and just start talking to people and smile every now and then at others. Have a conversation, and I'm sure most people in your class are losers also.

    And if that doesn't work.



  29. I am going through the SAME thing!!!!!!!

    if you dont believe me read my most recent question :[

    I'm just a kid and life IS a nightmare and i hate it!!!!!! I've been trying to prove them wrong but its hard...

    Thats what i suggest you do...

    I'm sorry i know how you feel...

  30. well i thought like that, looked on facebook what i joined a few weeks ago all those people have **** jobs, council houses and look ignore them get on and do good in school...u will meet ace people in college and uni and look back like me and think they where the people who didnt like me

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