
What do u do wen you have 2 friends and they are two faced?

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What do u do wen you have 2 friends and they are two faced?




  1. Are they 2 faced to each other to you? then if so i'd get them together & tell them a few home truths & say Goodgye darlings!!!!

  2. yah get new friends

  3. Hi there. :)

    Depends what you mean by two faced, if you mean they are two faced like they are nice one minute then mean the next i think you should just move on and find some friends that aren't. Leave your two faced friends to be buddies and find people who are real.

    But it really does depend on what your friends are like, there might be a reasonable explanation to why they are like that, maybe you could just talk to them about it and ask them to be honest and explain to you why they act the way they do but because they are both "two faced" i'd say that just aren't people you should be friends with.

    Good luck


  4. get new friends honey x

  5. i had a friend who was 2 faced. when she was with me and her other friend wasnt with her she was really nice, as soon as her other friend was with her, they both started being bitc hy towards me. make some new friends

  6. be two faced with them and then they will exprience what it is like to have a two faced friend

  7. i get really mad and like i don't talk to them .....i mean it's just my opinion that if you don't wanna be someone's friend, just don't be...if you do, be their real friend....and if you want to be their friend and they don't seem to want to be your friend, move on! It's stupid if you fake it because you're not going anywhere in life.

  8. let them go. get new friends.

  9. never talk to them again. ignore them. who cares. move on.

  10. wow, that makes 4 faces, would be confusing. Suggest ditch both and find genuine, nice friends to replace them with.

  11. dont go out with them anymore.. or dont let them meet.. or you can be two-faced too..

  12. i would get new friends. i refuse to hang out with mean people. but that's just for myself. do what you want to.

  13. I dont have friends that are two faced. I pick my friends wisely, and none of them are 2 faced.

  14. you leave them and their bullshit alone. believe me, its not worth it.

    friends are suposd to make you feel happy and good not paranoid and sad.

  15. Theres nothing you can do 2 faced people are generally going to be 2 faced people all of there lifes i have 2 friends as well who are 2 faces all the time and i try not to get in there way but when it does begin to p me off then i join in and delibratly say something to them that makes them shut up but not for long.Try walking away from them if they are being two faced and if they ask why tell them or ignore them.

  16. its spelled when btw... I would avoid them like a bad cold.

  17. Personally, i would first of all find some new friends then i would...

    get them to meet up with you.

    And then when you have like nothing to say be like...wait what was that you were saying about Ash, Lucy?...oh said she was a cow.

    and then when shes like what!!!!!!

    be like oh dont be too upset remember when you said such a such!

    then go ha. take that both of you.

    and i knowww youve probably been talking about me aswel!

    then dump em and go and ring your new friends. :D

  18. They ***** about eachother to u? if so, if you are good friends id advise you sit down with them and tell them that you are fed up with them bitching to u! if they dont stop then find new friends x*x

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