
What do u do when the guy you love moves away?

by  |  earlier

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He finally realized he likes me back now that he's in florida. And he said he would be more than friends if he was here. And that the feeling would only get stronger because he misses me so much.




  1. If it means enough to him it won't matter whether he is there or near you. There are many ways to make it work. People get freaked out by the thought of long distance but it is up to the couple and how important it is. If you love him you let him know but until he makes the move to be with you, I don't mean literal move, then tuck away that thought. Or just tell him flat out that his words only give you false hope and that if you aren't together you have to be able to move on with your maybe that means that you don't talk for a while. It might just be the kick he needs. Keep plugging along and realize that time will tell and that you will figure it out eventually.

  2. If he's barely realized what he's missing then he does not deserve you.  You deserve someone better.  It may be hard if you truly claim to love him, but it's best to move on.

  3. nothing just move on wid the other boy so other what we'll do?????????

  4. Move on.

  5. you miss them, you cry, and then build a bridge and get over it. I mean, you dont have much choice do you? it will get better with time.  

  6. He doesn't live where you live.  Does he want you to move to be with him?  If not, break it off and find someone else.

  7. moving away is a very difficult thing in love.. (when it is true)

    if the guy really loves you.. he will keep loving you because all these distances cannot stop you loving.

    so dont worry ask him to remember you and one day you guys get back.. together and marry each other and live a happy life.


    take care.

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