
What do u do when this happens ?

by  |  earlier

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ur parents fight ?

im a young teen and still

i just gotta shut up ..

you ?




  1. Tell them straight out, that their fighting isn't good for your emotional well being! Tell them that in the future,that you choose to be in healthy relationships, and you aren't learning to do so, listening to them fight and argue all the time!!  Tell them that you can not hear yourself think, and that it hurts your feelings, when they argue!!  I know how you feel!! My parents always fought, and they waited for me to grow up until they got a divorce!! They should have done it when I had to always listen to their fighting!!  My best advice to you is to get some good earphones, and let the music take you away!!!  I am sorry for you, for I know just how it feels to be in the midst of inharmony!! It made a peacemaker out of me!! I refuse to be around any kind of fighting or arguing!!  LIGHT&LOVE to you!>agoodgirl_msj

  2. my parents always fought until one day while they were fighting for some reason i yelled out and told both of them to shut up, literary. It got real quit, and i started to cry. They both looked at each other and realized what they were doing. Now no more fights or any that i know of :)  

  3. when i was 12 or 13, my parents started fighting a lot. it was devastating, because they would scream at each other and just completely forget a there were 2 young kids there (my brother was 9).

    the first time i ever heard them fight like that, i tried to break it up..but that doesn't work. if anything, it makes it worse.

    i would occasionally yell at them for fighting in front of my brother, and tell them to take it somewhere else.

    so basically, what i learned to do is STAY OUT OF IT. if you don't, it can get ugly.

    another thing you can do is either tune them out, or go somewhere else when they fight.

    like go to a friends house or take a walk.

    if you're angry at them, you can vent in a journal or to one of your friends if you trust them enough.

    when they're both a bit more sane, like when they're getting along, i would sit down with them and tell them that their fighting is upsetting you, and frankly, very selfish. they need to go to marriage counseling or take their fighting somewhere YOU'RE not. they might not realize it now, but they're doing some long-lasting damage to your family.

    the best you can do from this situation is learn from their mistakes. i don't know why their fighting, but if it's about money (which it usually is), you can take that and tell yourself to be more responsible with money when you're older...but i'm just using that as an example. if they're fighting about the little things, you can still learn a lot.

    just remember, in the future you need to treat your kids with love and respect, and if you and your husband ever fight, it better not be in front of them. i'm going to teach my kids that fighting is wrong and if they ever end up in that situation, i'd be extremely disappointed.

    so what i'm saying here is you can definitely learn from their stupid mistakes. that's how i somehow make the best of it.

    sorry this was so long, lol.

    i don't know if your problem is as major as mine was, but either way, parents fighting is a hard thing to watch.

    hope this helped!

    good luck<3

  4. Hmm i would prolly keep my mouth shut.

    But if its a everyday issue, i would open my mouth and talk to them.

  5. first dont blame yourself and try to not take the fights personally...its hard...  you can talk to each parent individually/privately about how the fights make you feel.  It depends on your parents on how much explanation they're willing to give you shouldn't demand it--its their marriage.... but im sure they both love you and you should let them know how you're feeling when they fight.

  6. mine did all the time, not much you can do but learn from it, don't do that to your kids, just awful to see it, everyone argues from time to time but they did all the time and it really hurt me. hang in there honey.

  7. just show them that your disappointed every time they fight surely they will notice it

  8. True story, my parents never fought. at least my dad didn't. One night he came home drunk, but not violent, he never was, just happy. And my mum had the dinner on for a couple of hours and it was spoiled. She screamed at him, (I was about 6) and smacked him over the head with his dinner. He shook himself, brushed himself down and asked my mother if she was OK? Then he went to bed. My mother always forgave him, because he never lifted a finger against his family.

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