
What do u do when u don't like something ur mum made?

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What do u do when u don't like something ur mum made?




  1. Don't say anything about it. Just eat it and don't go for seconds xD And when she makes something good, be sure to compliment her!

  2. u either suck it up and eat or dont say anything atall

  3. tell her i dont like it, then she cooks me something nice lol

  4. I just say: "OK, thanks Mum. I'll eat it later."

    ....and then quietly go and make some waffles and baked beans to eat. Lol.

  5. im puerto rican i tell her straight out its garbage

  6. say you know i dont like this mom.

  7. i tell her its gross. when my dad cooks i dont though, cuz he tries his best [hes new at it] lol

  8. Thank Allah & say may be he could have left be hungry but he has given me this blessing which many might not be prevelaged with.

  9. My mum Always cook things which i like.

    May Allah Bless Her and give her long life


    Jealous people why thumb down coz your mum does not cook you as my mum do?

  10. give comments.

  11. Try talking to her

  12. Throw it back in her fat, cigarette smoking, vodka soaked face.  Then I pimp-slap the s h i t outta her

  13. Thank her, eat it and enjoy it, after working 8 hours out of the house she still goes home and prepares a warm meal for my father, brother and me.  God Bless her!

  14. I tell her i  don't like indian food or i tell her i don't like eating food with ingredients that are hard to pronounce.  Spaghetti and pizza and steak are about all i'll eat.  I can't stand rice.....its like rice everyday.  

  15. eat it or start flipping! lol

  16. I cant ever remember my mum making something i didn't like! Guess shes a good cook, goes with the experience! But i would never dis-hearten her by saying that i didnt like it


  17. well most of the time my mum cooks the things that i like

    and she knows what i like and what i dont like

    and if she does cook somehting i dont like i just tell her

    "mom, i dont like that"

    and she doesnt mind one bit :)

    she is very understanding :)

  18. That's never actually happened to me... I absolutely love me mam's cooking :D

  19. tell her it's nasty.

  20. i just eat it cuz im hungry lol

    oh are we talking about food here?

  21. if it s foodwise if i m hungry i eat if not i don't

    if she did something in action which you do approve of

    1)  she an adult and human we all make mistakes

    2) you can try talk to her abput it but she s your mother you can't really tell her anything

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