
What do u do when u feel down ??

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what do u do when u r sad n there is no one to share ur feelings ?




  1. Firstly, there is no one solution for getting over this feeling , which comes in everyone`s life.

    I feel the most important first thing to do is to analyse internally  to find out what single reason is causing this feeling. The helplessness in dealing  with this issue is what is causing this depressive feeling. This feeling will be all the more intense if the cause is due to our own silly mistakes or action.

    The momnet you are able to identify this cause you will feel intense relief. Then your mind clears a bit and that helps in finding a way out of this trapped feeling. You will come to a point where you will feel that there is nothing to lose but everything to gain!

    As for sharing with others , you donot do this as your ego stops this admission of gulit or failure.  What I do is to share this failures , feelings with total strangers . I feel better.

    While passing , let me tell you what I read about Steve Jobs , founder of  Apple and designer of IPod.

    A few years after he founded Apple , due to some reasons Jobs was actually eased out of his own company. He was on the road with nothing  to do having lost his passionate company. How much he should have felt!

    he didnot collapse.  He analysed and found out his faults , corrected himself, gulped his anger and ego and .... finally he came back to Apple with big bang. What a tenacity!  

  2. I usually go in my room and blare my music,and i dont talk to neone for awhile,then go for a walk

  3. Contemplate on God.

  4. i eat. a lot. and it doesnt help me feel better at all...  or i ask questions on yahoo... only time helps

  5. that's the norm for me, i've been like that since i was 2

  6. cry. or throw a tantrum (: both help

  7. i start to cry... and trust me crying really works for me..  

  8. Exercise.... it always helps..

  9. hearing to music is the best thing

  10. each day I ask myself what makes me happy?  and then I realize that I'm not so down.

  11. I'll sleep off. This really works like a computer sudden shutdown and restart. when you get up you'll feel better and free, where the before incidents will be erased as they are not saved b4 shutdown.

  12. Take a long walk or watch TV to lift my spirits.

  13. What i Do is to never feel down in life otherwise what life it is. h**l.

  14. I cry first. Then, I distract myself by listening to music, reading a book, or playing a video game.  

  15. Friend,

    take a good book that tells all things positively and read it.

    I personally read the Bhagavath Geeta or The great Epics Ramayana or Mahabharata.

    The mind becomes calm soon and one will be normal in a short time.

  16. Sometimes I cry, but barely. I usually play great music, like this band Content Life, and dance really hard and loud and close my eyes and get dizzy. It helps because you feel crazy and all over the place and when you're done you can just have a laugh.  

  17. eat

  18. It is the time that you should not alone, go to your hearty friend and say him the problem you have faced. it will help you so be honest .

    be positive as possible as you can to reload enargy and spend most of your time with friends with talking it will be good for you ...... as i think.

  19. Do nothing.  The phase passes off.

  20. What do i do when i feel down??

    i ask myself what is it i can do to feel 'up' and then do it.

  21. I write! It is my escape from the world ^_^ and there I can control everything. The character's feelings, what happens to them, etc. It's a wonderful feeling being able to control something in a world where one has no control over anything.  

  22. I try to find out the reson for whch I am feeling down and then I try to work on it

    and tell myself that

    "Every night,however dark it might be,has a wonderful MORNING and birds singing around and a joyful atmosphere"

  23. write it down and take a bath lol.

  24. I listen to music, answer to someone on Internet that seems to be feeling just like me and eventually, I try to do something that will get my mind to think about something else.  

  25. Listening to music that fits my mood is sometimes even better than sharing it with someone. And I bake cookies too =) Then I'll have an excuse to seek company. But first, a nap.

  26. I play computer games or sports. It helps me keep my mind off the things troubling me and winning makes me feel better

  27. Force a smile... and forget about it...

    HArd to do at first but once you get it it helps

  28. i curl up on the couch, eat, watch tv, and feel sorry for myself. its most comforting. unless i have lots of money. then, i go to the spa and go nuts!

  29. i cry it out to myself or write it down..sometimes both

  30. Take St Johns Wort

  31. make  a  playlist  of  about  25  songs   u  like...  and   play  it  in  ur  ipod... you  will  go  to  sleep  and  i  bet  u  will  get  up  refreshed.. give  it   a  try...

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