
What do u do when u find hair in the food you ordered?

by  |  earlier

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like if you go to mamak stall or fine dining and u see parts of hair in it? what do u do really? will u pay for it?




  1. ask for the manager

  2. Oh u know what? that is a very good question to ask! u know why? well oneday me and my family we went to this resturant out in santa monica and my son order shrimp with rice and veggies, and he found a long peice of hair in his shrimp we had to go talk to the manager and asked if we can at least have another plate of a differen item and he did, and plus he gave us our meal for free! all of it!

  3. Tell your waitress or who ever you got your food from. They should take it back and make you a new order. Sometimes they will reimburse your money along with giving you a new order. I just depends on the place and management rules.

  4. i'd send it back...order something new...or perhaps just lose my appetite and leave

    if that's the case most restraunts wouldn't require one to pay...

  5. I ask for the manager.

  6. Just complain to the manager/ the cashier of course & dont pay for it ..

    wow myra.. that's really a gross story.. i think i'll rethink over of complaning taste of the food ..

  7. Call the waiter or waitress over and show them what was found. That, or ask to speak with a manager. Request a refund and NEVER eat there again.

  8. well.. i'm not a make fuss person .. if i see something that is not supposed to be there,.. i will just stop eating,  pay and just leave.. i will never step into that food stall anymore ..

    why i wont make a scene or complain? coz im afraid that the same thing what myra said mite happen .. u never know what goes behind the kitchen... dont need to ask for a new plate/dish coz obviously the kitchen is dirty..

  9. that very gross myra, but good to know that. thank god i've never complain before in restaurants. I only did it in stalls where you can see what's the vendor's doing.

    Back to the hair thing. I won't complain. If the hair is quite long like more than 3 inches I would remove it slowly and continue eating unless the cook is bald or shaven. BUT, if the hair is very short, and quite thick some more, and sometimes a lil bit curly/wavy, you know where that hair comes from, I would just stop eating, pay, leave, and put the restaurant on my blacklist

  10. No, you don't pay for it because if you do then the manager and/or cook will think that you could have possibly eaten some of your food, put your own hair in it, and then try to get your money back. Check your food before you do anything. Never walk off before checking your food in front of whoever you ordered it from.

  11. happened to me before. I called the waiter and showed him the hair, he took it back and replaced it. But  i put on a sour face the whole time. It really spoils your day.

  12. I dont I tell them and they are supposed to take that back an bring you what you ordered without paying the price twice.

  13. Good question!...

    As for me..i would call upon the Manager in charge and express my dissapointment over the hair matter...after that get up and leave the restaurant without paying the rest of the bills...see, if you want them to do a new order..all over again for you..dont count on they wont do it again, they would just alter the appearance looking as if its a new one..never ever messed with the kitchen people when it is a busy time..once i was a hotelier in this my horror when i heard a true story which i witness it..there is this Chinese couple ( no offence ya ) the girlfriend was somehow so gedik2 complain this and that..the food she ordered was Cantonese Fried Kuey teow..and so she insist the manager to cook it once again as she said that the taste is lousy..the manager took the plate and give it to the poor waiter who was scolded earlier by the couple and send it to the kitchen..and he said..macha! kasi operate!!! so when the kuey teow reached the cook who cooked it earlier, took out the 'kuah' and exchanged it with all the saliva collected from all the kitchen people and scoop few glasses of drain water which located in the kitchen and pop an egg to make it extra real!! and served it back to the gedik2 annoying girl..and when she taste it...she said..Yesss..this is what i nice.....

    lol, that a true story happen in a five star hotel in KL!!

    so people..even though it is gross so see a strand of hair in your is best to let the manager know and leave the place..and if you a kind the rest of the bills..or else..insist or make a fuss that you are a picky eater and stood up and tell this the best you could do for me??

    lol..what a scene!

  14. I would not pay for it.  I would not eat it.  I would be sick.  I would call the manager over, show him the hair, and then get up and leave.

  15. That has happened to me before. I told the server about it and I refused to get another order. I don't think you should have to pay for it and most places tell you not to worry about the bill.

  16. give it back and get a new dish. And make sure u fill out the feedback form when u r done.

  17. ask them to chance to new one, if they dont change i dont pay.

  18. Call the manager! Depending where it was they provably will give you a couple of free dinner, that's of course if you still want to keep eating in there. I don't think you cant make some money just because of hairs in your food...too bad anyway.

  19. I would also call the manager but I wouldn't order something else. The people in the kitchen are gonna be mad at you for complaining and you don't know what they can do. Do not pay for it either!! I once found a small roach in my sons taco at a restaurant and there were eight of us eating so we were going to have a big tab. I didn't pay not one dime!!!

  20. No, I'll never eat or pay for it....I'll show it to the manager....It really sucks..

  21. Call the matre d and show him the hair, order a new dish!

  22. throw it in he's face and dont pay for it and walk out

  23. I use it to floss with after the meal.

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