
What do u do when u have been homeschooled for a few years and u have to go to public High School?

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I am homeschooled right now and i just found out that i am going to Public High School and i dont want to because i'm afraid that people there might pick on me like some people did at my other public school. What do i do? Any Advice?




  1. Be yourself.  Fake people suck. Be who you are, and those who like you will befriend you.  Those who don't are not worth it.  "Be who you are and say what you feel because those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter."  

    you'll be fine.. and you may even learn to love it!!  good luck.. and whatever you do, keep your head up.  everything happens for a reason

  2. What do you plan to do when you have to enter the real world? You have to get out and be apart of your community. Go out and learn some social interactions. Make some friends and above all, get a life that you will be happy to look back on when your 40, 50, 60, and say, I wouldn't of done it any other way. If you stay locked up in your home, you may never bust out of the shell your stuck in right now and you'll be ridiculous recluse for the rest of your life.

  3. Tell your parents to keep you out of that school system if possible. And if not, simply be strong with those little scumbags.

  4. This exact same thing happened to me.

    1. Talk to your parents about this. Tell them your afraid, say this isn't elementary school. Your afraid these kids will pick on you alot!

    2. If you end up going, immune yourself.

    Don't let them get to you. Just be yourself, but yet don't make yourself SUPER different, like don't walk around in a star wars costume everyday, because are bound to pick on you.

    But just be yourself. It will all work out.

    3. Public school isn't that bad, just hang out with people your own age, and grade. Just make friends with people you feel comfortable with. If you don't have any friends then they might pick on you, because your a ''loner'' to them.


  5. Well it depends many people like it many dont some have s*x some dont lol its your choice go down the s*x drugs route or stick to the good route have fun which ever one you choose

  6. I'll be Extremely happy if i would be homeschooled and find out that i'd attend public school. You see, it'll help me be social.

    There is no point of being afraid!!! YOu just need to make people realise your presence that is positively. Not by, you know, showing off. It is hard to be new but forget the negatives and see the positives!. YOu just, think that it is gonna be good and nothing will happen as before.

    Best of Luck and Be optimistic

  7. hi gal

    see i have not been to home school but to public school yes

    the only way to get in the group is to become one of them

    if your too smart play it down a bit and if your dumb then try acting a bit smart and you will be well off.

  8. Try to fit in with a group. Most people who come to my school and there new they usally have a lot of friends by the end of their first week. just gotta pick the right people to hang with.

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