
What do u do when ur p*****n tells u she hates u?

by  |  earlier

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i ask my daughter to take shower.And told me that i was ruining her life and that she hated me.What sould i do??




  1. take a deep breath and give her a little room. shes hitting puberty, and totally hormonal. shes fine, and ur doing fine, its just her body making her rebelious against anything that is remotely like authority

  2. remember that its not true and that preteens and teens act very immature.  dont worry. shes just trying to get u mad.  

  3. umm it doesnt matter

    i used to say that to my mom all the time like 2 years ago :)

    whatever happens they love you.

    that actually happened to me . my mom used to tell me to take showers and i wuld shout at her.

    just let her take her time and treat her nicely.

    shell get over it

  4. thats just a p*****n. shes hitting the rebellion stage.

  5. Smile and tell her at least you'll be clean while your hating me. Oh by the way I Love You!  That should make her mad, but give her something to think about. Always tell them you love them, just not what they are doing.  

  6. I'm a p*****n, and I kinda understand where shes coming from, but also where you are too. Okay, so you asked her to take a shower. Maybe she thinks that your asking her to take a shower because you think she smeels bad, or something along those lines. Just ask her whats going on, and if she doesn't answer then, wait and talk to her later, don't keep pushing the subject.

  7. just ignore it. dont react or be hurt. They ALL..say that ****!! they dont mean it. Its part of them being immature creatures. they say all kinds of hurtful **** doesnt stop for several more years. eventually they grow out of it

  8. I wouldn't let it bother you. I know your daughter means the world to you. but look at it like this she is just a teenager and teenagers say and do things they don't mean. god bless

  9. you should say, well, i love you and i know you dont mean that, but yes, i am running some parts of your life.  that's my job.

  10. I'm sure you know she doesn't mean it, just be quiet and leave the room. At least that's what I woul do, but I'm only 14 so really what do I know?

  11. She doesnt hate you...she hates the fact that you have control of her life!  It is safe for her to say she hates you wont kick her out or cut her off. Shows what a great mom you are that she isnt afraid to speak out!  

    I would wait till later in the week when she is calm and you can talk privately and tell her how much that hurts you and that you dont talk to her like that so you cant allow her to talk that way (if you have younger children they will start doing it too!)  so next time she feels like that you suggest some alternative things she can I hate it when you tell me to take a shower...etc.   Teach her how to handle these new teen hormones respectively. She needs to get her feelings out but not if they hurt someone.  Tell her next time she says she hates you you will have to enforce a and she decide what it will be.....a chore, a loss of some kind, writing you an apology...etc.  I think its important she have input in to it and that she knows ahead of time.    

  12. my 14 yr old told me at the dinner table one night " I don't care what you think, I didn't ask you anyway, and I don't want your opinion, I don't NEED YOU, MOTHER"... I looked at my husband who half smirked and laughed, and I left the house for about 4 hours, had my cry in the walmart parking lot, walked around the store blindly until I knew she was in bed.. went home and pretended she never said a thing. She apologized 2 weeks later. She is 21 now, and calls or texts me every day and is giving me my first grand-baby in 7 Weeks. I KNOW she was just lashing out because I was the disciplinarian in the family and she didn't like the rules. she has no respect for her father who stole her sister and my youngest daughter and moved 1300 miles away .. they no longer have a relationship at all. but in any case.... please know that its just the age and she doesn't really mean it, even though I KNOW how badly it hurt to hear it. she really didn't mean it. hang in there mom...  

  13. lol im a p*****n and us we r going through alot dealing with school and stuff. i say that to my mom but at the end we made up just give her space and yea

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