
What do u do when you are bored?

by  |  earlier

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Need stuff to do.




  1. call friends, rent movies, read a good book, drive around,hook up with an old girl friend and go to the club.write stories, or organize bills, clean up a part of the house I've neglected, take the dogs for a ride, sit by the river and watch the flow, talk to someone,get drunk and pass out.

  2. When I'm not on here I walk, I go to my freind house but it's boring there to.

  3. read.....write.....go for a walk....and my favorite thing to do is put a puzzle together.  Another idea would be if you have a camera you can very easily become interested in taking pictures.  Digital camera would be best - less expensive developing and overall in the longrun.

    If you go the picture taking route, a fun thing for you to do might be to find a subject to focus on taking pictures of and then put them together to amke like a wallpaper for a wall in your room.  Just an idea.  

  4. If you are used to do things like going out in your house our talking with friends why can't you just play with yourself or just sleep and rest for a while or you can go to the beach if you like and if you're in school just simply focus on the lessons and the advantage is that you can also learn individualistic learning.

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