
What do u do when your bored

by  |  earlier

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What do u do when your bored




  1. I do alot of physical activities. I have fun and, at the same time, get in shape :)

    A few things I do:

    * Ride my bike

    *Call friends (or txt )

    * Ride my horse

    *Play Volleyball, Basketball, or any other sport that pleases you

    *Answer questions on here (

    *you could go to myspace or facebook

    *Computer games

    *Clean up your house ( I know, not fun but at least its clean :))

    *Get a job...something, me for example, I work at a horse stable...I love it AND i get PAID!!

    I honestly hope I helped! :)

  2. i try to learn songs to play on the guitar

    i draw

    i answer or ask question at Yahoo Answers

    i sleep

    i watch TV

    i daydream

    i write my thoughts down on my journal

  3. I draw art

    Text People etc

  4. When I'm bored I usually go to sites like quizilla or blogthings. Other things I do is watch tv, sing and talk to my friends.

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