
What do u get when u put a highly confident person with a suicidal person?

by Guest56627  |  earlier

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okay...for me i'm a very confident person and i'm... i guess my own boss. I like to do things my way, i like to have fun and i basically just enjoy life and all the good that comes along with it....but i have a boyfriend who was suicidal and blamed everybody for not having everything that he wanted. he thinks everything is soooo unfair and that everyone hates him. he had really low self esteem and was not confident about himself at all or in any way there is. though when we started going together it was like a whole different person. He was the most confident person ever....WHAT WOULD U THINK???




  1. You will get tired of his attitude and move on.HE needs to change his way of thinking.I USED to think like him and until his way of thinking and behavior changes,the way he FEELS will not change.It was the LORD WHO delivered me from depression restored my sense of self worth and gave me a purpose to live.

  2. I think he is a manipulator.  Scary.  Be careful honey.

  3. I thikn I would dump his sorry butt!~

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