
What do u guys think of kimbo slice?

by Guest63808  |  earlier

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What do u guys think of kimbo slice?




  1. He has some great potential. Too bad he didn't start younger.

    Have you ever seen Rampage's first fight. He looked horrible. But his natural talent and then later hard work with good training made him a champion. The only difference between the two is that Kimbo is older and won't be a real contender because of that fact. He'll be a great and entertaining to watch but not a history maker.If he'd started when he was 20 I'd have a different opinion.

  2. He has little to no skill as far as mma goes, even striking. He was a poor boxer who beat up regular people with no fighting experience or training on the internet which made him "famous". Then he got sucked into mma because people can make money off him and he can make money doing it. As far as him "taking it seriously" i guess he is, not that Bas Rueton is a good trainer, but he is the best trainer that would take Kimbo, that being said he doesnt have potential, he will never be even a mid level fighter let alone a champ. I dont have a problem with him as a person and if I were him I would do the exact same things he is doing, I dispise the way he is marketed and protrayed, and its a diservice to mma to have some many people misinformed on his status and ability.

    As for the people who say he has potential and will be good some day, he wont. He is already in his 30's i think, and he has no skill, even his striking is very sloppy. Yes im sure he hits hard and has a pretty good chin but even if he doesnt get hit he cant last a whole fight. In his fight with Thompson he could barely walk and throw punches at the end of the fight and it was a very slow paced fight. If his last fight was impartial he would have lost to James Thompson, a guy that was hand picked to lose to him.

    He will have a few more fights and continue to be a sideshow for elitexc, hopefully he makes very good money and retires a happy man, and elite xc doesnt turn mma into a freak show in the meantime.

  3. he still has a long way to go to be considered a legitimate fighter in mma, which is understandable seeing as how he's only been training for a little over a year.  i think you would be hard pressed to find anyone with zero training in any form of martial arts, to become a high level fighter that quickly.

    most fighters before they start training in mma have a background in BJJ, Muay Thai, Wrestling etc.  Unfortunately for him, Elite XC is piggy backing on his internet fame, and has already made him a main event fighter, which would never happen in any other organization, which is the thing that turns most people off about Kimbo i think.

    But i think if he continues to train hard, he has an mma legend in Bas Ruuten training him, i think he can become a descent fighter.  Probably not a championship caliber fighter, but descent.  And if not, hey at least he worked the system, turned his internet popularity into some good money, and will be better off financially than he was before all of this.

    So either way i think the future is looking up for him.

  4. he's a dam good and ambitions fighter.he's never give you could see in his game vs Thompson.

    I like his old street figths too..

  5. He will be forgotten after his next fight when they feed him to

    a real fighter hopefully Giant Silva. The guy had no business

    headlining the first ever CBS pimetime MMA event. The guy

    looked like a novice on the ground and he ran out of gas in

    the first round. When asked about his cardio he said "maybe

    I shouldnt smoke as much", maybe he should quit smoking


  6. Kimbo is no good so far except for his stand up. He needs to work on his BJJ and his cardio. His last fight against Thompson was not very impressive. Thompson was a not a very challenging matchup but he was nearly beaten many times. They both gased after the first round. Not impressed with Kimbo. He is being viewed as this wonderfull fighter just because he beat some people on the street. Put any MMA fighter on the street and see what happens. Im not saying Kimbo can't be good, but as of now he is nothing amazing

  7. He sucks yea he is a street fighter he will have to fight someone credible to get my interest

    he is lucky to this point

    ray mercer old my grandma could whoop him

    tank abbot  yeah this guy washed out like 15 years ago

    bo Cantrell is a punchy the guy sucks and gets paid to loose

    James Thompson glass jaw he is known for it and kimbo could not even finish him kimbo won to a bogus call i think maybe three other people in the world believe bimbo actually won that fight

    wow what a travesty to mma which is mixed martial arts which martial art does bimbo do oh yeah street fighting i wonder where you will find a street fighting gym what a joke he will wash out at our gym we call it TNT taking out the trash they never last no STAMINA

  8. Kimbo has excellent striking skills ,working with Bas Rutten will help his grappling skills, everyone needs some improvement

  9. hes a good fighter, but what you think of gina carano

  10. He would be a perfect fit int the WWE.Vince mcmahon i looking for a next big black superstar.

  11. use the search function!

    kimbo is still too new to tell. he obviously has good standup and a strong chin, but needs to refine his skills.  His ground game is still developing and it is still too early to give any opinion.

    I think the biggest problem with him is that people expect him to be an instant star because of his internet popularity, it takes time, and he is learning to fight differently and they need to match him up so he can develop and ease into bieng alble to develop his grappling and ground game or at least avoid submissions.

    fact is despite everyone's elevated expectations he is still just a novice fighter in terms of MMA and is developing, he has potential but he is also older and his popularity can work against him when he doesn't perform as soon as the crowd likes.

  12. can you say SUCKS

    OK he is a street fighter guess what the ring is not the streets the cage is not the street what do some of you idiots  smoke to think this guy has natural talent  yeah not he throws crazy big shots has no wind so essentially he his playing the mma lottery wait till he fights someone not retarded or escaped from a nursing home KIMBO GO HOME to the 305 where they like you and when street fighting gets a television contract come on back NOT

  13. He should transfer over to WWE, his MMA skills are sub-par at best. He fought a tomato can in Thompson and almost lost! I like that he is in MMA, I don't like how he was the main card for the first network show featuring MMA. It damaged what the sport has accomplished.

  14. I know that Kimbo can hit hard, but his endurance is in serious question. After beating James 'Colossus' Thompson, he collapsed to the ring mat. I think he should have to fight Frank Mir before getting to fight any other big names in the UFC. If Frank Mir takes him to the ground and gets a knee bar on him, it's all over.

  15. Kimbo has a lot of potential as far as striking goes.  Little improvements can get him a long way as long as he stays off his back.  He's a big strong man that needs to realize that you need a lot more than that.  I don't think he has the time to become the next champion.  He might just have time to become a decent midlevel fighter and give some entertainment.  He is getting his pay so he might as well become a little more well rounded, but he doesn't have what it takes to become completely well rounded.  start with more traditional striking and takedown defense and I think he can be a lot better.  He also needs some sparring against some midlevel guys where they are actually working their takedowns on him.  Maybe he can be something that stays around for a while, but never in the top 50.

  16. He's intriguing. He's marketable. He's a fighter. Very raw in terms of MMA ability. Being in his mid thirties, he does not have the time to compile a lot of knowledge. He needs to focus on the tools he has, which are his hands, and then learn the most effective ways to bring them to bear. I've said here before, if he adds an effective clinch game (dirty boxing) takedown defense, and ground scramble, his total MMA game will improve by leaps and bounds. Bas has given him a good intro to MMA. Kimbo now needs to spend 4-6 SOLID months in a camp with someone like Randy Couture in order to make immediate improvements. Then after a fight or 2 more, he should spend time strictly adding authentic Muay Thai. The submission game is the last thing he should try to add. BJJ is much too intricate, and Kimbo's window of opportunity is short.

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