
What do u guys think of my ultimate Zombie Deck?

by  |  earlier

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any modifacations u can think of? i'd like to have the same numer of cards (45) so switch them out accordingly.

Zombie Deck:

Monster cards:

X3 Soul absorbing bone Tower

X2 Vampire Lady's

X1 Spirit Reaper

X1 poision mummy

X3 pyramid Turtile

X2 Master Kyanshee

X2 Dark Dust Spirit

X2 Vampire Lords

X3 Despair from the Dark

X1 Fear from the Dark

X2 Double Coston

X2 Zombie Master

X1 Gernia

Magic Cards:

X2 Gravekeeper's Servant

X3 Call of the Mummy

X2 Book of Life

X2 Card of safe Return

X1 Premature Burial

X1 Lightning Vortex

Trap Cards:

X1 Rivalry of Warlords

X1 Robin Goblin

X1 Rope of Life

X1 Ring of Destruction

X1 Barrel Behind the door

Ring and Barrel together is an awesome combo.

X1 Judgement of Anubis

X1 Rising Energy

X1 Eradicator Epidemic virus

X1 Crush Card Virus




  1. I would have to agree.... Your deck is far from brilliant. I'm sorry but I'm going to help..... Zombies can actually be brilliant decks, in-fact I bet that they will be the next best thing after Gladiator Beasts. Try making your deck exactly like this.....

    Monsters - 20

    3x Zombie Master

    3x Mezuki

    2x il Blud

    2x Goblin Zombie

    1x Spirit Reaper

    2x Pyramid Turtle

    2x Caius the Shadow Monarch

    2x Prime Material Dragon

    2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

    1x Card Trooper

    Spells - 13

    2x Book of Life

    3x Card of Safe Return

    2x Burial from the Different Dimension

    1x Monster Reborn

    1x Premature Burial

    2x Allure of Darkness

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    Traps - 7

    2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

    2x Bottomless Trap Hole

    1x Crush Card Virus

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Torrential Tribute

    Like I said, I'm sorry but the deck that you have is far from the 'Ultimate Zombie Deck'. Try my build. Much more efficient, powerful and will guarantee you heaps more wins.

  2. i have a  better zombie deck.

  3. this deck is far from ultimate, if not the opposite(?)

    anyways, try keep the cards at 40, you'll never deck out, and you'll alway have your draws at full potential.

    Its a really random deck, you could use mezuki, the card that just came out.

    also, too many traps, take out Judgment of anubis, and ring of destruction is banned.

    The Crush card don't make a deck ultimate. I also have one, but I put it into a more worthy deck, a faster and more powerful deck, the DAD deck. A well build Zombie deck could really kick ***, but yours don't have the right cards.    

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