
What do u hate about miley cyrus?

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don't say c**p like i do like her get a life because honastly i think she's a snoty ***** who get's whatever the h**l she wants and is only famouse because her dad use to be !




  1. I don't exactly hate her, but one thing that makes me sad is that she makes a ridiculous amount of little girls all around the world think they can be famous. So they don't pay attention in school, and when they suddenly realize they aren't going to become a global superstar, they have no choice. They basically will have to restart their lives for a decent job.

  2. hates a strong word...but i mean have you seen her dad..i mean really? and shes a bit S****y every time i see her i just see britney in 2007

  3. Nooo... She is only famous because she has a role on Hannah Montana, and IS Hannah Montana. Little girls love her... I for one... ONLY think she is childish. I mean... She can sing ok... i guess... But she does act pretty good. In my opinion.  

  4. wow, my list will go on foreeevvveerrrr. but heres just a few.

    she inspires little kids to take nude pix of herself.

    she lipsynchs at all her concerts.

    she can't act or sing.

    she's only famous cause of her father.

    her friend mandy is using her for the fame.

    she's a s**t.

    she's not unique.

    and why the eff is she so famous? there are sooo many more TALENTED people out there but they never get noticed cause they don't have once-famous-for-one-song-in-the-90's dad.

  5. shes annoying and cant sing and she's a s**t

  6. I do not like the fact that she thinks she can get away with anything because she is famous. All these S****y things she's done, she KNEW what she was doing. She's immature, she can't sing, and I hate her teeth. Oh and in every picture of her she does "deuces" with her lips puckerd. Plus, her dad used to have a hardcore mullet, is that cool?

  7. Nothing. She's none of My Business... Why do You make Her YOURS- if You don't like Her ??! Don't You have anything BETTER- to Do ???  :0

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