
What do u hate about people??

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What do u hate about people??




  1. Ignorance.

    And I really hate people who pretend like they know it all and they really don't. But you can't tell them that because they won't listen to logic.

  2. Everyone is ****** up and insane. Intelligence actually evolved from insanity. 4 real.

  3. wellll.

    i dont rlly like people and im a people person and yet im shy... which is weird..but ill say wat i dont like

    1.  i dont like how some are s****. little freeks

    2.  i dont like it wen people eat infront of me.. i think its rude

    3.  i dont like it wen they r rude

    4.  i dont like how sum people will backstab u

    5.  i dont like how some people think they r better than u

    6.  i dont like how if i have sumthing or want sumthin, sum1 will HAVe to get it b4 me or get a better version of sumthing

    7.  i dont like how they say they love sumthing till the world comes crashing down -cough-ashley-cough-  and then just break up with the person

    8.  i dont like how people say they swear to god and yet STILL lie..

    wellll. thats all i can rlly think of rite now ^.^ xD

  4. Hate is a much stronger word than I would use.  I dislike rude snobbish people and I am anoyd by people who dominate a conversation.  

  5. controlling





    too many to count.

    i know, i know, no one is perfect but there are some moral principles people just have to have and some negativities that people just cannot act no matter what

  6. I hate the me, me, me.......I'm the only one in the world attitude I see so frequently. I'm the only one on the road so get outta my way, I'm the only one waiting in line to be helped, so if the line isn't moving fast enough for ME then I'm gonna huff and puff cause the whole world revolves are ME! I'm so IMPORTANT that I need it now , and I'll get as loud and rude as I need to to get what I DESERVE! Makes me crazy! Can you tell? LMAO


  7. bigoted, closed minded, blind to anyone else's lifestyles or ideas

  8. Hypocrites, Liars, s****. people, jocks, People with no lives.

  9. I hate it when people hate themselves and wish they were somebody else. Silly and nonsense!

  10. everything

  11. conceited people who think they are better than everyone else

    makes me sad ='(

  12. They've forgotten how to love and its become some sick trivial game to hurt one another.  

  13. their inherent day to day negativity.

    lack of respect and thankfulness for life combined with unappreciative steadfast pessimism mixed with lack of love and self worth.

    smile, it uses less musles, and is more contagious than a yawn and a frown


  14. they hurt you 4 nothing

    their mean

    they are copier's

    selfish aka

    greedy ignorance




    When they blame you in a lie


    When they say they really care/love/freinds with you they don't / their not

  15. Close mindedness.

  16. I DISLIKE that some people can be so ignorant and bigoted toward others for being different.  Can't we all just get along?  No?  Then can't we all just mind our own d**n business instead of trying to change people?

  17. ignorance.

  18. ignorance!

  19. Blatant inconsideration.

  20. People who wear blinders in life and believe their path is the right and only one. Some are just longer than others.

  21. i think the crew says it all. Ignorance was the first thing that came to mind when I read your question.

  22. mean and inconsiderate ppl

  23. ignorance, that they judge people without getting to know them, people who are racist , people who molest children or hurt children in any way! , people who lie, cheat, steal, people who live off of others and can not or do not even try to find a job and get out on their own, people who are not there for their children - no matter how old their children are!  

  24. Puncuality

  25. I hate the way they are so d**n selfish ,  

  26. False accusations

    Two face






  27. They're all g*y.

  28. Ignorance. Selfishness. Closedmindedness. Dishonesty. Lack of integrity. People with HUGE ego's.

    Of course, the above list does not define ALL people.

    there are some very loving, honesty, and compassionate people in this world, as well.

  29. hatred, people who judge, discriminate, and especially if they treat you as a non-human being

  30. not enough attractive, sexually open women in the world.

  31. When they think they know everything.

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