
What do u hate the most about restaurants?

by  |  earlier

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i hate when u get there before some one else with the same amount of people as u but they get there food first




  1. i cannot stand it when they try and rush me through my meal!

  2. the bathrooms unless they appear really clean...but then I still feel grossed out.

  3. I hate to wait for the bill.

    I think it takes to a long time to get it sometimes.

  4. Having a bad server, if they aren't on their job..they can mess up the whole evening.

  5. The fact that it takes ages to get your food

  6. I hate when something you ordered/asked for comes out wrong then you have to determine if you should say something about it because it can ruin your entire experience and make you think about what the servers/cooks are going to do to your food next time.

  7. I hate being asked every 5 minutes if my food is okay and is there anything else that I need.  Oh of course people talking loud on their cell phones at the next table.  They act as if though it's an experience talking into a piece of metal when everyone owns a cell phone.  Oh and of course like the lady above me stated, bad *** kids.  It makes you want to slap the parents.

  8. Out of control kids, loud cellphone talkers, people smoking cigars, drunk/loud talkers

  9. OK I know people need jobs. But I absolutely hate that just anyone can be hired. I dont want food served or cooked by someone who looks like they havent bathed in awhile. Food service, fast or fancy, should definately screen who they hire and be sure they are appropriate to work with the public.

  10. I just hate it when the people working there don't make it an "experience."  It takes so very little to smile and be friendly, but so many people don't do it.  That is what sets the great restaurants above the good ones.

  11. I hate that a lot of times people don't care about you or your food they are making, so they don't make it as well as they could.

  12. Unfriendly/uncaring servers. Bad service is usually the #1 complaint in most, if not all, restaurants.

    On your topic about someone else getting their food first... Having worked in the industry, this isn't uncommon and it's not necessarily unfair. Some things take longer to cook than others. If your food takes 15 minutes to cook and the other table orders a salad, don't expect the restaurant to freeze all orders until you're served first. It doesn't work that way.

  13. when folks dont control their bad@$$ kids and when my is not on the table in fifteen minutes.

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