
What do u have to do to become a police officer after ur high school gradation?

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What do u have to do to become a police officer after ur high school gradation?




  1. Go to cop school & study proper spelling...

  2. I'm not sure what country you are from, but in the United States you would take basic law enforcement training (BLET), which takes approximately 6 months to complete.  Many community colleges offer this program.  Many, if not most, agencies require you to be 21 or at least close to it before hiring you.

  3. Put ureslef into an Academy and get your POST cetification and apply to many agencys. Most agencys require you to be at last 21 but the academy u can put ureslef to it at the age of 18

  4. go to college and take law enforcement courses.

    then apply to a police dept and then if they hire you you will have to the acdemany

  5. once you turn 21, apply at the law enforcement agency, attend the law enforcement academy (they pay for it). A lot of agencies will hire people under 21 to be animal control or meter maids. These jobs are not glamorous, but at least you have your foot in the door. Some departments require some college, tech school, or previous experience. Detention centers and jails are great stepping stones also.

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