
What do u have to do???help plzzz?

by  |  earlier

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what do u have to do and say for a voice acting audition?




  1. You would probably meet with the person, do an intro of yourself, you would need a resume that consists of your previous work and current work, any classes or teachers you've had in the same line of work, if you don't have any then just put none, It will fill out eventually. You would also need a headshots, you would attach your headshot to your resume so they both stay together,  and won't get lost. And you would also need a song that is already memorized for any audition (just like how an actor needs a monologue).

    Good Luck!!

  2. better take a voice over workshop, make a demo tape and submit it to agents asking for representation as a voice actor.

    IF you get an audition, they will expect you to have experience.

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