
What do u have to say about randy ortons motercycle accident?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna ask if he will be ok when he comes to wwe after 3 months?




  1. Thank God he was wearing a helmet and that it wasn't more severe. Atleast there are SOME athletes out there who know they need to do basic stuff to protect themselves for all the money they are making.

  2. ive been reading thats its not true..there is no police report in any of the areas around where the accident was supposed to have happened

  3. I think a lot of people are being rather mean to him about it. From what I can tell, he wasn't doing anything wrong. Just someone else cut him off and he didn't have enoguh time on the bike yet to be able to instinctively react the way he needed to.

  4. chances are this story is fabricated by WWE to swerve fans on his return. to read more on this, go to

  5. fake, if he flew 300 feet he die, 300 feet is a football field

  6. Sorry that it happen to him hope he gets better soon

  7. Все люди рождаются свободными и равными в своем достоинстве и правах. Они наделены разумом и совестью и должны поступать в отношении друг друга в духе братства.  

  8. Randy Orton Had A Motorcycle Accident?

    Ah, Thats Classic.

  9. it is possibly fake and a sotyrline by WWE to surprise the fans.  

  10. Ok this is one of two things. Either the motorcycle accident is a fake (there wasn't a police report about it). Or he is lying about what happened. He says he was only going 30 mph and flew 300 feet. BULL. First of all you can't go 300 feet when you were only going 30 mph, it just can't happen. So then did he lie about how fast he was going? Also if he had gone the length of a football field he would have far more than just the (re)broken collarbone. Trust me if it had happened there would have been a police report and it would have been on the news like crazy if someone lived from that.

  11. well he only rode motorcycles for a month and I think he should stop. its funny cause all of a sudden everybody likes him. he said he might come backin december or something

  12. If He Really Did Get Hurt.. Then Im Happy As h**l!! If Not.. Well O Well..

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