
What do u like better?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i like them all but my fav would prob be chicken cuz you can have it so many differen ways and its the healthiest up there`

  2. none of the above bleeeh

  3. Steak 4 me..

  4. hamburger haha

  5. Hamburgers & Steak

  6. chickennn

  7. I love chicken and steak,  I don't think I can choose between them!!! lol

  8. Steak followed by chicken

  9. steak or chicken

  10. Chicken! I never get tired of chicken and you can prepare it so many different ways. Although hamburgers come in a close second!

  11. UMMMMMMMMMMM well for me is STEAK for ever I love

    STEAK could never get tired of it.....

  12. i like them all...

    but i ♥ bacon :)

  13. all of them

  14. This is a hard one.

    - When I eat Breakfast I love having Bacon with my food.

    - When we have a cook out I love a good tender juicy steak

    - When we just want a hamburger, homemade ones are quick easy and oh so good.

    - But Chicken - You can eat chicken everyday of the week and so many different ways.

    I love them ALL!!!!

  15. Chicken, because of it's versatility.

  16. chicken & hamburgers

  17. Steak :-)

  18. Steak

  19. Chicken... I like bacon, but honestly, how much bacon can one person eat without feeling horrible out him/her self?  LoL!  What about bacon-wrapped chicken?  JK!  I like chicken because its so versatile.  We can have it everyday and it never gets old! =)~

  20. all of the above!!

  21. salad. with florida tomatoes i want salmanilla.

    but i also like hot dogs because they r a mixture of all meat if u didnt already no that then sorry that i sunk ur boat but its made of like every animals booty

  22. Chicken

  23. i like turkey burgers

  24. Hamburgers :)

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