
What do u look for in a wife ?

by  |  earlier

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state all what u want 'n' say if it's possible to find her or not




  1. w/e you believe you would like to see in a women, just someone that helps complete you, you know your other half?!

  2. s**y good house working and with big b***s.

  3. iman, this girl is too perfect !

    she could be found in Paradise !

    i think a girl who has a big heart , is broadminded and smart, knows when to speak and when to shut her mouth !

    of course she must love him and like his family !

  4. You

  5. I think a guy find this beautiful for a wife figure:





    -Doesn't judge

    -always gives commpliments to people

    -helps everyone

    -Doesn't always try to pick fights with him

    -When he wants some thing he gets it

    -she cooks and cleans for him

    -has the house clean and bed nice and neat

    -always smells good

    -shes soo sweet&cute

    -shes romantic

    -she ask how his day was

    -if hes in a bad mood,she tries to cheer him up

    -shes always smiling from the heart

    -is funny at times

    -massage hes feet and neck when ever he wants it to  be done

    -have good conversation

    -is a flirt(to only him)

    -makes him feel proud when he shows her off to his friends or other people

    -she always encourages him

    -she is proud of who he is and his job no matter what

    -she dresses modest when they go out

    -makes him feel more attracted to her when she wears attractive clothes(in the house)

    -shes not pushy

    -she doesn't demand allot

    -isn''t always on his case 24/7,asking where he is why isn't he doing this,and that

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