
What do u mean when you use the phrase "feeling yellow" ?

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What do u mean when you use the phrase "feeling yellow" ?




  1. It means a person who is just there.  They are not out to fight or start any problems. In fact they try to avoid it.  For example, in " The Catcher in the Rye", Holden says he feels yellow. "I'm one of these very yellow guys." By "yellow," Holden means he does not like fighting. In fact he might take any route to avoid it.

    This comes about when Holden is talking about a guy who stole his gloves.  Holden imagines starting a fight with him but he says he is “yellow” and would never actually do that.

    This also makes him further depressed because he does not meet the standard he set up for himself.

  2. Well, yellow is another word for scared sometimes. So when you say you're feeling yellow, you might be scared or feel like a coward.

  3. I also highly recommend the site of many good quotes. Good luck!

  4. It means you're sick and about to throw up.

  5. feeling happy I guess

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