
What do u need for volley ball?

by Guest57605  |  earlier

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what thing do u need for volley ball.... like in soccer u need shinguards and stuff but what sort of gear is required for volley ball




  1. you don't need knee pads if youre playing outdoors, or indoors if you know what youre doing.  you just need shoes that you're comfortable running and jumping in for instance skate shoes are terrible because they have bad ankle support and theyre heavy.  all you really need is a ball and a net.  If you get really good at hitting and you swing hard, you might need tape for your hand, to keep the blood circulating.

  2. Knee pads. that is pretty much it. Oh and sneakers. it is a great sport. enjoy

  3. ok. for tryouts and practice you will want to bring:


    -sofees or spandex shorts

    -tank/tee that is light weight and breathes

    -socks and sneakers. usualy volleyball shoes are the best, but running/cross-country shoes are the best!

    -knee pads!! so important. dont get the cheap ones tho. sometimes not wearing kneepads is better than using the cheap ones. (just not too expensive..)

    -water. lots and lots of water. i recomend 2 bottles.

    -a bag to keep all of your stuff in

    good luck!


  4. knee pads

    court shoes



    t-shirts (always bring an extra one)

    sports shorts

    locker lock

    hair band

    big bag for everything including your personal volleyball, cellphone, etc.

    Lots of water bottles

    Good attitute

    Winning spirit

    Team-oriented effort

    Always listen to the coach, and let him/her see your action.

  5. kneepads

    athletic shoes


    thats pretty much the only required gear besides uniforms

  6. You need knee pads, so you can slide on the floor.

  7. A good pair of shoes.... and an even better pair of knee pads.... and maybe some socks.... the rest ofyour money will be wasted on the camps haha, that is if you do go to them....

  8. Jacket each one of you should have it and cloths with the name of the team

  9. A uniform and we wore kneepads so we could slid on the floor to bump the ball if need be.

  10. Kneepads, athletics shoes, high socks (great for wiping off the bottom of your shoes when the floor is slippery), ankle braces (if you play front row), spandex shorts (easier & more comfy to move around in), & don't forget your sports bra.

  11. knee pads

    athletic shoes

    depending on wear u play ankle braces...

    (active ankle is a good brand)

    long socks are always good to have too

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