
What do u prefer hamsters or rabbits?

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this what u think. there such nice animals BUT what do u prefer.




  1. Bunnies. For one, they're so much cuter. And you can show them for 4-H and stuff, which is fun.'s hard to lose a rabbit. I mean, hamsters can escape so easily - bunnies don't. And if they do,  you can find them pretty easily. Bunnies are less fragile, and they live longer. Just when you get attached to a hamster, they die.  

  2. hamsters are better if you want little cute pets but rabbits are better if you want to feed them norma carrots and clean after them and get more stuff. i prefer hamsters.

  3. hamsters because they are smaller

  4. Rabbit

  5. Rabbit are the best! Hamsters are, sorry,but pretty boring(i have owned them) But rabbits are one of my favorite animals i breed them & couldn't live without them!! So rabbits ALL THE WAY!!


  6. rabbit(=

  7. i have a mini rex bunny and if you around it anough it will love you but hamsters are smaller  

  8. They're both cute, but I prefer rabbits, because they live longer, and you can really play with them. Hamsters you have to be very careful about how rough you play with them...

  9. I like rabbits  better because  I can hold them and not be afraid

        J J

  10. rabbits.

    considering the facts:

    hamsters,when lost inside the house,will be very hard to find.i,too,am troubled by such behavior

    rabbits,when lost inside the house,can easily be they are fairly large.

  11. hamsters that look like rabbits

  12. I would prefer Rabbits because they are kind, easy to take care of, and they are really fun. They hop a lot and they like to eat vegetables, and fruits.  

  13. Rabbits they are so cute and fun to have!! But either one you will have to do a lot of work!! Hamsters might be cool to hvae because they can have a hamster whhel and a ball! But still think rabbits are better!

  14. Well, I love all animals, but I want a rabbit! They sound like so much fun! I had a hamster, but he didn't do much, and you really couldn't play with him that much. But he was a really good hamster...

  15. hampsters

  16. Rabbits are so cute and I don't think that I have ever seen a real hamster in person. I have also never seen my rabbit blink. Ever.

  17. I would say Rabbits, but they c**p constantly, so i guess hamsters =)

  18. my experience with  hamsters has not been good, they are mostly mean. rabbits are nice but they require a lot more commitment and attention then hamsters.

  19. floppy eared rabbit, so cute!

  20. i like dwarf hamsters but it up 2 u if u want rabbit it gonna cost more and u need more room but hamsters dwarf or regular u can put in a hamster ball and they can go anywhere i have had both 4 few year so if anymore questions about either email

  21. rabbits always

  22. Hamsters.

  23. hamsters

    Both are my favourite animals but i choose hamsters. lol

  24. hamsters

  25. hamsters....they're much cuter

  26. Rabbits.

  27. rabbit. hamsters are evil and will eat anything, dead or alive.

  28. Definitely rabbits. More social, longer lifespans, and more intelligent.

    Sure, they poo like there's no tomorrow, but the companionship they offer is worth the clean-up. :)

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